
October 08, 2008

This, That and The Other Thing....

About our Boxer Adoption....geesh....I am beginning to wonder if the powers that be really want them to be rescued.

Our first application did not go through. I did not realize this until I contacted them 9 days later.

So I resent it in and recieved notice that they DID in fact get it and that I would be contacted in a day or two. That was Friday of last week.

Still NO word. I keep checking on the website to make sure the boy I have my heart set on is available. I know, I should not get attached to one in particular, but that is how I roll.

I have this deep feeling that once they do come check us out...our family, our house, that they are going to try to convince me to take more than one.

The best invention ever (besides the internet and ready to bake cookies) is the Grade Book website that links me to my girls class grades.

I can check them daily to see if they are turning in their work and what kind of grades they are pulling in. We don't have to wait for report cards anymore....Also the teachers each have a site that shows what homework is due. Just crazy.

Oh, if they had this when I was in school????? My Dad would have nailed me to a desk....

I am completly annoyed by people who don't bring their own bags to the grocery store. Really, this gets under my skin. I am not a mean person, but when I see someone coming out with like a hundred plastic bags I make a really mean face at them.

well, maybe I don't make ugly faces outwardly, that would be mean.

I make a really mean face on the inside.


  1. Oh my gosh, you would HATE me! I keep meaning to buy those reuseable bags, and I keep forgetting. Or, I remember when I am up at the register and the bags are like $5 a piece, and I am thinking, NO freaking way am I spending $30 for 6 bags. I am going to make this a priority this week though, because I would NEVER (I want to repeat that NEVER) want you to give me a mean look in the grocery store : )!

    PS Your school system seems so impressive! Is that what public school is like in California? Holy FREAKIN' Cow!

  2. As usual, I'm a couple steps behind, but I finally joined the green side and I bring my own bags now, too!

  3. I am so guilty. I don't bring my own bags to Walmart. I would need fifty of them. But please tell me, and be honest, is it a bad thing since I recycle the bags and use them in my waste baskets as liners? And you kmow, I use them to pack packages instead of buying bubble wrap. They are my favorite pooper scoopers when I walk the dog, and Walmart says they are biodegradable too.
    How about if I use them to wrap Christmas presents, would that help?
    I have to have some ice cream now...and worry about all those people making faces at me.

  4. I almost forgot to add my good thoughts about your boxer adoption. How could they not give you your dog?

  5. I almost forgot to add my good thoughts about your boxer adoption. How could they not give you your dog?

  6. Under that, if we had that when my three and a half were in school, some would have been in trouble while the others wouldn't.

    If it would have been in place when I was in school, my mom would have cared, while my dad wouldn't.

    As far as the other thing is concerned, guilty as charged. I am not organized enough to bring my own bags, but on the bright side, I do have a whole bunch of Evil Big Box Store(tm) lunch bags.

  7. I hope you get your dog. And I understand how you get your heart set on a certain one. That's what happened when we got my daughter's cat. She saw it on the web site and THAT was the ONE she wanted.

    Our school also has the on-line grade book. It's awesome. No surprises at all.

  8. Good luck getting your boy! It must be agonizing to wait.

    My daughter's school has an application called "Blackboard." The students use it to turn in assignments, and parents use it to check on grades and homework. Love it.

    Please don't make a mean face at me! I get paper bags at the grocery store. We have a burn barrel, and we burn all of our paper trash so we don't have to take it to the landfill. I use these bags to separate the trash. Forgive me?

    Thanks for the t-shirt tips! LOVE the silhouette idea. I have an artist friend who is working on a graphic for the logo. I'll mention that to her TODAY!

    Have a great Thursday:)

  9. yes, all the boys have that website too. except, no teachers websites with homework! I'm jealous.

    Aamir however, HATES it. High school sophmore. I know the classes he was late to, or gasp, the ones he didn't show up for. And daily check-ups on grades. not cool for him. awesome for me.

  10. I hope you get your dog,I know how it feels!
    I do forget to take my own bags to the store but I do re-use the plastic bags to death,I use them instead of trash bags in all the trash cans around the house.
    My step-kids have the online school reports too.We love it!

  11. I had to train myself--I'd make myself go back out to the car to get them when I forgot.

    When I'm just getting one thing at the drug store I stick it in my purse. It's amazing how many bags we didn't need we were using.

  12. THIS: I'll be sending Puppy Prayers for your little darling to still be available when your paper work is finally processed. Would you be able to accommodate more than one?

    THAT: My son's grade school has always had a way for us (parents) to check on assignments. In the first few years he was there, they had a Homework Hotline, where you could call, punch in the teacher's code and get the assignments each night. Then, when they changed buildings, they went high-tech and had a web-based homework hotline. You could also email the teachers through this program. The name escapes me at the moment. Now that he's in high school, they use Edline, which is the greatest invention ever!! I thought I blogged about it once, maybe not. I check it, seriously, about 4 times a day!! My son HATES it! By the time I pick him up at the end of the day, I already know which classes he missed homework or classwork in, and/or the grades he got for the day. I'm addicted to checking it, though. Maybe I should cut back a little...

    THE OTHER THING: I love how alike we are!! I feel bad for Rebeckah. Bags that cost $5!? They are only $1 at my grocery store, and at our Wal-Mart. I have, no exaggeration, at least 20 of them. Most because I kept forgetting them in the car, then would just buy more, because I refused to go home with a car full of plastic bags. I keep them in the car at all times. I don't know what your bags are like, but these are awesome! They hold a TON of stuff, and are super strong. I could easily fit about 4 plastic bags worth of groceries in one reusable bag. I also use them when I go to Sam's Club. They are a Godsend for those trips, since I can never find decent boxes to put my stuff in when I go there. I do find myself looking for plastic bags, though, when it comes time to pick up the lovely gifts my dog leaves me, so maybe once a month I'll take the plastic bags at the store just so I can have a supply of poop bags ;-)

  13. YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! Check my blog to see what I mean. Hugs to you!

  14. i hear ya on the bag thing.
    i do find 'em handy if i get the odd one for some garbage or for cat poop. (where else am i going to put it?)
    so they're not all bad.
    but i've cut em out by at least 98% since i got my own bags.

  15. can you please call me before you go to the store? so i won't be there at the same time? i actually keep thinking about buying one bag each trip we go... isn't that good enough? ya know, the thought that counts? just so you know, i do reuse my bags... but now i am feeling pretty guilty, so maybe i will buy one next time i go....


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