
October 25, 2008

Playing in the yard....some more....

Some pictures from the home front....
A gorgeous Florida Sunset.
Global warming most likely caused the lovely purple hue.
Ixora blooms
When I was little I used to pull off the individual flowers and use them as garnishes on my mud pies.
Martha Stewart Who?
Pink Hibiscus.
These are lovely to tuck in your hair, but be warned they usually have ants in them.
I was a Hawaiian girl for Halloween when I was about 10. I know about ants in the hair.

With all the summer rains we still have an abundance of baby frogs around the house.

This little guy thought about coming in the house until I told him of the 3 cats waiting for him.
Can you imagine my surprise when I ran into this Llama in the yard????

Just kidding. that would be really weird.

Lindsay is obsessed with Llamas. She wants 2.

They shall be named: Tina and Larry and they will have their spitting function removed.


  1. Beautiful sunset! I love Llamas too. Your blue eyed llama is too cute!! Yeah, they like to spit, but their fur makes lovely coats.

  2. What a pretty son would love that frog!

    Have a great weekend!
    -Sandy Toes

  3. That is why I don't have hibiscus--I detest ants.

    What a sunset--we have pinks and oranges here.

  4. Florida is one of my favourite places in the world- I think about it every day. I always feel full of energy and happiness in Florida. Hope to come back very soon. Last visit Christmas 2005/New Year 2006. too long ago!

  5. I wouldn't put it past you to have a llama in your yard!! I didn't even bat an eye when I read it ;-)

  6. haha the llama pic is too funny! i wish we had cute lil frogs hopping around on LI. Are those gorgeous flowers in your backyard??

  7. they would have their spitting funciton removed?? LOL
    i can just see tina and larry with cocoa and ozzie.
    your house is so much fun :-))

  8. : ) I love how you found that button on your camera! Ants in hair! OH MY GOSH. Very pretty sunset! Those frogs are so cute. I am glad we don't have them here because you know Kaishon would have a whole slew of them in our house.

  9. And PS I think you should get her some llamas! Come on, be a good mama : )!

  10. Suz, Wrigley is adorable and so well-behaved, esp. as he's still a baby. He had fun on the beach and in town. He is silky and loving and I nearly let him give me kisses on my face, but I am not there yet. I mean, it was our first meeting, and I'm not a cheap date.
    Your sunset and the flowers are awesome!

  11. I just stumbled across your blog and it is lovely! I found it from a comment that you left for lilmisfina and I liked your comment so much that I had to read your blog. Love it!


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