Some of you actually asked me to post our photos from Colorado. I was going to drop the subject and just move on, but then I would be a big fat meanie head. I may be many things, but I will never be a big fat meanie head. never.
Plus, my washer and dryer are crying mercy and I am not making eye contact with Rosie quite yet today.
One morning we ventured from Denver to the Boulder area. As we were getting closer I saw a sign: “Boulder Visitor’s center and Overlook.” I asked the Coach to pull over and he did. (should I mention that he said something to the fact of ‘you know you are getting old when you stop at visitor centers?) anyhoo. Have you ever seen a visitors center as elaborate as this?
Me neither. I wanted to go back to the sign and scratch out Visitors center and put in KIOSK. ;)
But the overlook? amazing. Worth the money spent. Oh, it was FREE.

Boulder was a great little college/artsy town. Full of ‘free thinkers’. Have you noticed that most free thinkers don’t brush their hair? Amazing, I know, way to ‘buck’ the system Sister. We were stopped by several Green Peace people on the streets. I was thinking: “Man, you are preaching to the choir. Get some freaking recycle bins in this town!”
Another day we ventured down to the Colorado Springs area. Just gorgeous.
We went to visit the Cave of The Winds. I am personally not a fan of wind or caves, but the rest of my troop were game. This first picture is at the beginning of the cave tour and just a few minutes before we realized someone in our family is Claustrophobic. I won’t mention any names but he had to cut the tour short.

Have I ever mentioned that I have a tendency to be a complete worry wart? My thoughts during this dark, cramped and freaky tour were only of this: “oh my gosh, we are so much closer to CA now and if an earthquake hits while we are in this cave, we are toast!” Yep. It is exhausting to live inside my head.
On our last day in Denver I took the girls to Elitch Gardens. Guess what? There really are NOT gardens at Elitch Gardens . I was tricked. It is a theme park full of rides, lines and people who don’t know how to dress in public.
The girls rode some large scary rides. Lindsay was a brave girl and rode a big roller coaster with her sister. (after much pleading)
Then they decided to ride this innocent looking ride. We should have known it would not end well when they name something: chaos!

They look happy here. In a few minutes one of my children will have a combination look of ‘complete terror’ and the ‘verge of vomit.’ Not a good look. Especially when the other one is laughing her head off!!!! Aren’t sisters the best?
Here is my Mastercard Commercial:
7$ for caramel/sprinkled covered apples at a theme park.
2 minutes into their $7.00 Caramel/sprinkled covered apples and they decide they are too sweet and rip off all the candy and eat the plain $7.00 apples: PRICELESS.