I'm a hawt mess.
Remember when I was able to post several times a week?
Remember when I was able to read a few blogs each morning?
Remember when I was super organized.
Remember when I didn't have to wear a bra 24/7?
Oh, me neither.
You'll not believe this, but our renovation that we were hoping to have done by Thanksgiving is NOT.Finished.
Oh my lawd.
I'm ready to have my house back to normal.
Ready to cook a meal NOT in a toaster oven.
Remember when I fretted about paint colors?
I'm so happy with my choices, so you don't have to worry about that any longer.
The cell photo does not do it justice. {SW 7036 Accessible beige)
AND while all that is going on, we're moving the girls into a cute little condo near their University. They're more than pleased with the place.
IT's super cute. Super safe and super DE-duper.
Well, except for this light fixture over the dining table.
What the heck?
I'm super excited that Lolo's dog Max is leaving. I gave him his eviction notice this week when for the umpteenth time he's got onto the lanai and terrorized the cats. Bastid.
Lolo has started her internship with the Sherriff's dept. SHE LOVES IT.
They had her driving the SWAT vehicle on the first day.
She's already been on a death investigation where she had to step over a dead body to enter the residence....and it didn't bother her.
AND she was deeply disappointed to learn that she will not be able to sit in on an autopsy.
Who is she and where did she come from? Not from my sissy genes.