Yeah, I love it. You caught that part right?

Cigars and video games? Makes me dizzy just thinking about it...
Making a production out of everything since 2008
Cigars and video games? Makes me dizzy just thinking about it...
I hate to pick sides, but I am totally on Team Jennifer.
If you can't find the list...well, then you have to make it obvious to the grocery go getter what you need.
Yes, that is an overly organized persons worst nighmare.
::running out, covering my eyes, screaming::
But does this possibly mean they need, mascara, Clearasil, ribbons, eyeliner, retainers, body spray, makeup bags, powder, nail polish, hair gel, an old screw, lotion, zyrtec and soda tabs?
Below: The chalkboard in the playroom. I spent about 2 hours cleaning the playroom when the girls were visiting Grandma for Spring break. Clearly, I wanted it to stay clean.Not sure why, but I use the OR ELSE threat quite a bit.
Even though I have to use idle threats, I still need to feel the love.....
*She can't NOT say HEEEEYYYYY Sweetly when she calls or sees you in person. It is just a natural reaction she has....HEEEYYYY. (too many years living in GA)
*She will make every effort known to man to wrap a gift as beautiful as she can. It can be a box of old candy, but she will make it look like a million bucks. (The phrase presentation is everything comes to mind) And No, I don't think she really gives away old candy. Not yet anyway.
Dressed for dinner out at Disney, circa '73-'74?
*She thinks I am the cat's meow. Don't tell her otherwise.
Mom with my Grandpa (my Dad's Dad) I love this picture because it pretty much sums up my Mom's relationship with my Dad's and laughter.
*She used to carry a gun in her purse for protection. One time I was in our backyard hanging from our swing set. I looked down at the ground below me and saw a couple of cotton mouth snakes....I started screaming (I was trapped there) and she came out and shot them. Sarah Connors....did you hear that?
*She can mix some leftovers, some old stuff in my pantry and whip up some gravy and make a gourmet meal. Really. She cooks good enough to make you want to slap your mother. But please, not on her birthday!
*She loves to laugh. When she, my Aunt and I get together, we should wear depends because EVERYTHING IS FUNNY.
At the Atlanta Zoo. No, I did not have to force her to jump on the monkey's back...
* She is an outstanding, caring and loving Mom to me. I could not have asked for better!
*She has accomplished so much in the last few years...She started exercising daily (she loves it) She quit smoking and she lost over 100lbs!! She is living each day to the fullest!!!
*She loves mexican food, margharitas and I am pretty sure she loves latin men also.
*She thinks that Lo and Linds are the sun and the moon...who am I to tell her any different?
*The girls, whenever we talk about Grandma Bev, they always say something like: "that Grandma Bev, she is soooo sweet"
Thanksgiving 2008
Happy Birthday Bev Mom!!!!
Meet Zack above and Sparky below. Zack is the Ol' man boxer...he is the reason we fell in love with the breed in the first place. He is an 85lb loving lap dog. Such an absolute sweetheart.
I know you have heard this from me before.....seriously, this is the easiest step to take. If I see YOU out there toting your 65 plastic bags (when 3 reusable ones would have fit it all) I will "accidentally" bump your ankles with my cart. Ok, I won't really bump your ankles...but I will be thinking about it and that is just as bad.
And no whinning about how you forget them in your car. I will hear none of that. ;)
I realize some people need them for waste bag liners...a few are ok, but you can really make it just a few a month. right? Don't you all love your home planet?
.99 cents goes alooooonnggggg way with some nice bags.
4) LIGHT BULBS. Switch out some, if not all of your light bulbs to the eco friendly bulbs. Sure, they are not pretty...but what is more important? pretty light bulbs or a longer life for our earth??? hmmm....
These are just the top 4 items on my brain today...anyone care to add to the list????
Linds, Cocoa, Moi, Sparky and Ozzie.
Kelly and Suz.
I may have mentioned a few hundred times that I have been working in our yard...sprucing some stuff up and making it all Pretty again.....
I don't have any befores'...but I have some afters.
I am up to 73 bags of mulch that have been spread....I will be back for more this week. This is the area directly in front of our bathroom.... at the front of the house.
I made a little cut-through path to the hose area on the side. The dogs were always running through here making a I put in the stepping stones to keep it cleaner. Guess what? Dogs don't like to walk on stepping stones.
This is the side entry/sidewalk area. I added some impatiens...added mulch, trimmed the crotons and cleaned up my rock ledge. The rocks are along all our sidewalks...they look really nice, but have to be "cleaned out" annually. Which entails me raking them all out and then cleaning out by hand/hose the dirt, mulch and leaves.....yes, I am a crazy person for doing this.
This is a little area that has been bugging me. It is on the pool lanai/screen exit area. A wet spot for gutter/lanai drainage. I think at one time it had mulch here....which has floated away apparently....I have a thing for Rocks I suppose...It sure looks Purtttyyy.. don't it???
Almost like I know what I am doing....almost.
This is the bed that I was not going to mess with...but once I start something it is hard to stop. I trimmed all the overgrowth, cleaned out some dead stuff and added a few plumbago, a rose (can't see it) and a new hibiscus.
The dogs loved running through here as soon as I was done.
Can you spot my flamingo?
It is mandatory in Florida to have at least one in your yard.
I am a rule abiding citizen.
If you would like to see how others used the letter O or even to join yourself.....go here: A-Z Mondays
Don't be too jealous...for $1.29, you can be right there basking in the joy with me!
Ok, now for the crazy part of my post.
Lo had a game last night and then was up until midnight finishing a project that she had all spring break to work I was up late too....and 5:30 comes really quick for someone who's brain and body require at least 7 1/2 hours of sleep.
First of all, I don't like Brett Michaels, so why is he invading my limited sleep time?
The dream was so girls were there and they were helping me..what we had to do was:
Calm down these gorgeous snakes...they were rainbow colored and big...actually very pretty. (for snakes)
Some other lady was cutting them up for their skin (ugghh...I know)
IT was my job to calm down the snakes for the skinning would you do this do you think?
Well, how I did it was I was mixing oatmeal with crack cocaine and feeding it to the snakes. A little known fact...Crack calms down snakes.
I know..this is all new to me too.
I wish for everyone a relaxing weekend, full of family, fun, good sleep and no crack eating snakes!!
Guess what I ate for breakfast today????