I finally finished the project that I'd been putting off starting!
Some of you might remember the
conversation I shared from Lolo and I:
Me: "Lolo, So, I ordered a stencil for our next big project…."
Lolo: "WHAT? you ordered STEM CELLS? What in the world is this project?!?"
When the coach and I were going to Chicago my sweet as heck MIL said to me: Lolo and I are sewing on Saturday, do you want us to make you anything?
Me: YES!
It was still evolving. I needed something to soften the space; some fabric on the walls.
I'd purchased ALL the necessary items and I'd even washed the drop cloths in preparation.
But, I was putting off the hardest part.
Measuring. Gag.
Measuring, then cutting the one drop cloth to make it two curtain panels for our guest room.
Measuring is not my favorite thing to do.
If I had to list all the things I didn't like to do, measuring would be right up there with visiting the vaginacologist.
(btw: Lolo coined that phrase and she should trademark it)
My MIL cut and hemmed the panels. (I was going to hot glue a hem in lieu of actually sewing; if a corner could be cut, I'll be there)
My FIL was responsible for hanging the cute rod that I'd found at homegoods. The rings are from home depot….they clip, no sewing involved here either.
Looks pretty cool, right?
Just wait, the cool gets even cooler.
I took the time to cover my craft table with an old {shiver} plastic table cloth. If it wasn't so flipping hot, I would have done this in the garage, but I'm not into sweatshops.
After I'd laid out my drop cloth, I had an epiphany. {this time, it wasn't so painful} I thought: Wow, this drop cloth would make a great table cloth!!!
Since I was still reeling from that epiphany, I felt a glass of wine was in order. Plus, I was scared I would ruin my drop cloth….a glass of courage was in order. Of course, I moved it off my drop cloth asap….can you imagine if I'd ruined it before I'd started? I'd have to shank myself.
Ok. Lets begin. I think you should know that I'd purchased a quart of flat white paint from home depot; the cheapest one. I think it was just under 10 bucks.
That 10 bucks literally disappeared within minutes. Meaning: it went on white, and within minutes it was CLEAR.
I was confused. I was disappointed. I was robbed.
Then I remembered we had a quart of Sherwin Williams white flat paint in our paint cabinet. I should have known to just go with the good stuff.

I had a pattern in mind {from pinterest} and of course I eye-balled it. You'll not catch me measuring anything. ever.
It took a few hours to stencil each panel. I recommend a glass of wine and some good tunes to make the time pass.
I used a foam roller brush and all the upper body strength I have. Which is not so much a lot.
I absolutely love the look. I struggled with getting a good photo of the room; the lighting is bad in here; the photos don't do it justice.
It's a lovely guest room. I'm thinking I should actually charge my guests….especially those who don't clean up after themselves! HA!
So, if you feel inclined to come visit, please email me your requested dates AND credit card information.
FYI, The Coach makes a mean breakfast on Saturday and Sunday!
Taking reservations now.
Have a great weekend my friends.