
June 27, 2018

The one where I'm the PopoUber.

Last weekend, Lolo, her BF, her bestie and another popo were attending a wedding out in my neck of the woods.
Lo asked if they could spend the night at our house after the wedding and avoid the 35-45 minute drive afterward.
Of course.
And then I upped the fun for them by offering to drive them to said wedding and pick them back up too; that way they can imbibe in cocktails and not worry about driving.
I'm a giver.
I'm a driver.
I'm a driving giver.
Plus, ain't nobody got time for tipsy driving....especially law-abiding police officers.

I asked Lo to send me a picture of her and her boyfriend; the deputy.
She asked: "Are you going to blog about this?"
Honestly, I wasn't until she mentioned it.....

And these two? 
Such cuties.
And doing good stuff in the world protecting little ole me and you.
and you.
and you.

I pray daily that they can continue to do good things AND to be safe while doing them.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.


June 25, 2018

I don't want to brag, but I get around.

Last week I went on tour with the Coach.
Ok, not so much a tour, but a softball tournament with his travel team. 
We flew into Philly, drove to our hotel in NJ and then had games in Pennsylvania.
Which is all foreign to me. Well, not Philly. I was just there a month ago.
The foreign part is seeing lots of different states in one day. 
In a car, it would take me 9 hours just to leave my state of Florida. 

"don't fence me in"

I had no idea that NJ and PA were so pretty! I feel ashamed that I might not have said nice things about either of those states and only because I was oblivious to the beauty because I've not been there.

The weather was mostly nice.....
The coach and I did take a tour of the University of PA; one of his girls is looking to possibly go to school there and play softball.

I'm not sure that I've seen a school as beautiful in such a great setting; directly next to a lovely city such as Philly. 

And.....I've certainly never seen a softball field with such an amazing backdrop as the skyline of Philly. 

I was ready to turn back time, learn how to be an awesome softball player and pay attention in school so I could be a LOT smarter and see if I could get into UPenn. 

Great. Now I've got that *If I could turn back time* song in my head....thanks Cher!

We took the train into NYC one day with the entire team. Since we're such great planners, we did this on a day where there was a heat wave warning.....a mere 111 degrees. 

It felt like our skin was melting as we walked Times Square and then visited Central Park and the Central Park Zoo. I never wanted to be in the Penguin water pool as much in my life.....

I'd like for everyone to know that I did have a philly cheesesteak on this trip to Philly as I didn't do that last time and I felt like I let down the entire state of PA. My apologies PA. 

Now, back the grind that is my awesome life.

June 09, 2018

Going cone-less

Last Sunday Cocoa was finally freed!

The Dr. removed her final (fourth!) set of sutures and we removed the cone of shame.
You probably know it's actually called and E-collar. It took me a mintue to figure out that meant Elizabethan collar. 
I is smart.

I think she felt about 20lbs lighter.

I swear she was feeling bummed, depressed, sad the last few days of that cone. (after 3/12 weeks)

Now, she's back to her normal and happy self.
Eating her vittles with a side of greenbeans, snacking on banana's whenever she can and happily napping in the sun.

Life is good.


June 04, 2018

That time we were married for 27 years

The Coach and I celebrated our 27 anniversary on Friday May 25th.

We generally make a huge deal about these anniveraries; so this year we figured we'd try and top them all.

We started by sorting the new uniforms/travel bags all over the dining room table  for his travel team as they are about to start their brutal summer travel schedule.

I don't know about you, but that sort of thing keeps the romance alive.

Yes, I was being sarcastic.

Does it really matter what we do? Nope. As long as we're together and I'm neither hungry or tired.

That evening though, we had tickets to see Billy Currington at a small venue near our house. This was our first time at this venue, so we didn't know what to expect.

Don and Kelly drove over from the East Coast to join us.
The tix said the doors open at 7 and the show starts at 9.

I thought that was kind of late for a concert, but then again I'm not 32.

We arrived at 8:15.

Billy arrived at 10:15.

Apparently he had time for a nap that afternoon....
What can I say. God is great, beer is good and people are crazy.

Anyhoo....the show was AMAZING. He's one of my favorites; we saw him a few years ago in Vegas at the Routhe 91 Harvest Festival, but this was much more intimate. You know, for our anniversary and all.

What we didn't realize until we left the venue at 4am. (ok, 11:30) is that we were apparently sitting very close to the speakers.

*what did you say!?!*

Yeah, none of us could hear for the rest of the night.
Or on Saturday.
And most of Sunday.

Anyone else celebrate a big event lately?