Joining Tanya and Friends--Sharing 5 willy nilly thoughts, quips, pics or whatevers.
I don't want anyone to freak out, but I have some important health news to share.
There is a virus going around called Ebola. Don't flip your lid. But, please, wash your hands as necessary and don't swap bodily fluids with anyone who might be under the weather.
There is a virus going around called Ebola. Don't flip your lid. But, please, wash your hands as necessary and don't swap bodily fluids with anyone who might be under the weather.
You're welcome.
2) This is a photo of Oil and Water.
Behold: Linds and Lolo dressed up for Halloween many years ago. It's clear to see they are on a different wave length; Miss USA and Miss Army!
We've lived in our house for 17 years and we've never had a trick or treater. Living in a rural area with no sidewalks and a few acres in between houses keeps the kids away.
Lazy azz kids; they won't even walk for candy.
Does anyone else cringe reading face book statuses that are FILLED with spelling and grammatical errors? I mean to say, I'm not perfect, not even close. But I'm shocked to see so many people (college graduates!!) that have a hard time putting a sentence together.
How has life been any fun before the show Modern Family?
In my book, {and that's the only one that matters} it's right up there with Friends and Seinfeld; slap your mama funny.
Are you a Modern Family watcher or is your bladder inadequately able to deal with it?
Wishing you all a safe and germ free weekend!!!