
October 24, 2014

Willy Nilly Friday-I'm {Al} about it

Joining Tanya and friends for 5 random thoughts, pics or whatevers:

Anyone else have a huge crush on Al Roker and Willie Geist?
C'mon…. I know I'm not alone here.
I try to tune in to the Today show daily just for them; they make me smile hard.

On Wednesday I updated our dining room table-scape.
On Thursday morning I realized that *someone* didn't approve. 

I'm guessing this is *someone*. 
I know he looks so innocent…ok, I could be wrong, perhaps the Coach didn't like the table decor?

They're everywhere. In my coffee. In my grocery store. In my brain. ALL around me!!

Some days I just miss my MUM!!

We are expecting more company today-humans and canines; boxers this time!
Have a great weekend!

Around Roanoke


  1. I thought your *someone* that didn't like the table scape was a kitty. It would be a kitty at my house. Nothing like walking into a room and finding random things on the floor. She likes pushing things off...but only if said object is 'on the edge'. Thankfully she's never broken anything. Having company sounds delightful. Have a great weekend! : )

  2. great post, we've cats who do not approve of any table decorations, I like it and I really like your table.
    Boxers for company sounds charming :-)

  3. Well, your dog may not like it, but I think it's fabulous! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. #1 Who is Willie Geist?
    #2 Very nice.
    #3 Less nice.
    #4 Now I remember why I'm not a dog guy.
    #5 Next year we have have another fall.

    Have a great weekend. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. your table-scape lookED great and i have my money on the coach...that puppy is just too cute and innocent!

  6. oh, and i used to watch the today show EVERY.SINGLE.MORNING but then i got tired of news and just turned it off one morning and haven't turned it back on since! i just go quiet in the a.m. but yeah, i think al roker is a cutie and now i have no idea who that other dude is! and i'm mad that they let ann curry just never was the same after katie left! have a great weekend and thanks for linking :)

  7. That sweet pup can come up and stay with MEEEEEEE! What a face. I have no tablescapes festive or otherwise so he wouldn't get in trouble. :)

  8. I do like Willie Geist but I never watch the Today show. Far too much silly banter back and forth. Give me Charlie Rose on CBS any morning over the other networks.

  9. Your tablescape was charming but oh my the look on that dog's face is priceless.

  10. wait, did you say you are expecting MORE dogs this weekend?!!!

  11. I like how you decorated your dining room table - I do prefer the before though. Whoever did the "after" needs to improve their decorating skills. ;-) Can't really say much about Willie Geist and Al Roker, we don't have the TV on in the morning. Have a great weekend with your human and furry company!

  12. That young lab does look quite innocent. Maybe he's just into (re) decorating. I liked the original style better.

  13. Hmm well I like the table setting but now I have to back track on posts and see when you got a cute golden lab ...
    or is that one of the Boxer dressed up as Scoobie Doo ~ "Rhott Roe" ( I love saying that).

  14. Did you get a new pup? What a darling puppy! I like your table setting! Tell the Coach to leave it alone. Or the pup......

  15. That face on your couldn't have been him. I'd question Coach.

  16. I used to watch the Today Show every morning, but sometime early in the Matt Lauer/Ann Curry pairing, I just gave it up. So I don't know about Willie Geist, but Al Roker is a charmer. In other news, why oh why can't we have nice things? Your table decor is lovely and should be allowed to RIP!

  17. Al Roker has a very sweet personality! Love your tablescape - looks like you have some "helpers!" I love Krispy Kreme pumpkin donuts!

  18. Oh my word. I LOVE labs. And I love Al Roker. I love your pretty house. I hate tablecloths. I have to edit a million pictures but I just want to keep reading all the way back to the last post I read. I am in serious denial that it has been this long since I have been here.


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