The Lunatic started clearing the property next to us a few weeks ago. *sigh*
Luckily, they didn't clear it 100%; hoping to have a buffer aside from the eleventythousand dollars we spent on planting trees to avoid Luna.
The Coach did some research and found the owners and their building plan; we've been praying they build a nice house and kept the yard clean; you know, to keep up the property values and to not make my eyeballs bleed. (it's hit or miss in our non-HOA area)
Well, I thought WE had a HOUSE on sirree bobcat tail, Lunatic has grand plans for her lair.
5600 square feet of
You'll never catch me criticizing someone for the size of their home, where they take vacations or what they spend money on, as long as they don't owe me any money, but does that mean they have 37 children who will reside under their roof?
Wait, I love children (of the corn)
The home has four or five bedrooms, a study, a workout room (located in the master bedroom-ehhh), a game room and a detached music room.
Suz to the Coach: 'What? They don't have a pool? Loooossssers!"
*devilish laugh*
Everyone knows that if you live in Florida and have children, it's child abuse to not have a pool.
As I was typing this, Callie the sweetest dog on the planet was whining in my general direction and I said SHUT IT!
She looked hurt and then I apologized.
I don't know why I was irritated at her whining. Sometimes a mom just needs some peace and quiet.
*looks around at empty house except for two sweet dogs*
I'd better go get her some cookies, she's one of my only two friends here most of the time.
God bless her. The Coach and I talk about how 'beat up' Callie appears after working most of her life but is still so darn content. Dogs really are the best.
Sometimes they're better than neighbors.
Anyhoo, it's been a busy week and I don't have anything really special to blog about.
*remembers that this blog is not made for special*
Also, I have no idea what the title has to do with anything other than I was listening to Notorious B.I.G yesterday. Today, it's back to The Carpenters.