
October 09, 2008

Wouldn't it be funny.......

If I put one of each of these signs in my front know just to perplex all my neighbors.

Perhaps I could throw in a Ron Paul for good measure....
There, that will be all the politics you ever hear from lil' ol' me.


  1. You will have to get a sign for the WIXY Party candidate, The Famous Chicken.

    Remember, the cluck stops here!

  2. People cannot believe that I SEROIUSLY have not decided for whom I will be casting my ballot. Really. I just have too much going on to focus. And my kids' college investments are pretty much in the toilet, so...

  3. It would definitely throw people.

    I've ordered my "No on 8" yard sign. (No on 8 means yes to gay marriage). I wasn't going to do it, but when I walked out today and everyone across the street had "Yes on 8" signs I said "Hell, no!" and put in the order.

  4. Now that's the kind of politics I can stomach on a blog!

  5. I say, Go for it.
    keep 'em guessing.

  6. I agree with Grandma J - politics and blogs don't always mix! I like your approach:)

  7. right now he's @ Fort Benning in Georgia. He graduates from officer school Jan 8th but hopefully he will have some weekends off in the next month or so so i'll be able to go down for another visit :)

  8. This is a great idea : ). I don't think we are allowed to have lawn signs for anybody in our neighborhood. I should put one of each of these by the mailboxes just to ruffle some feathers : ). Life is better if you are ruffling feathers, right?

  9. how about a yes for collier students sign?? i have quite a few!


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