
January 14, 2009

He makes me laugh....and I may be a goner.

Coach is very active in the community. He always has been...sometimes to a fault.
He has volunteered for little league, the county's building industry assoc., reading at the elementary school and endless hours he has given to girls wanting to learn the art of softball.

He has a lot of local connections, through his business, softball and just because of his fabulous personality. Not to mention, his "trophy" wife. (kidding, wouldn't that be fun though?)

So, during this whole economic downfall, has really taken a beating business wise. He has held out much, much longer than other businesses similar to ours because of his good planning and his mad business skills, but still it is catching up.

He is a pro-active kind of guy though. He always amazes me with what he can and will do.

Just before Christmas he contacted one of our "big" builders/developers in town for a little one on one meeting. He was looking for info on the upcoming building developments....and any thoughts that this cohort might have for our business. Really, just looking for a glimpse into the future from someone else....someone on his level, but may have some other insight.

That same week he had a one on one meeting with one of our state senators. He told me he was meeting him for breakfast. I said: "you know a senator?"
"Oh, yeah, we put cabinets in his house years ago.... " Mr. Nonchalant.
He was inquiring about the same things as with the builder.
Not much came from the meetings, as far as I know. But he tries...

This morning as he is leaving for work, he asks me: "Do you want to read the reply email I got from Mel Martinez?" (a state senator)
Me: what?
Coach: "I wrote to him and told him what I thought he needed to do to fix the housing industry...I did not ask....I told.... I didn't come right out and say that he and his colleagues were lazy bums...I just implied it."

This made me laugh. AND after he left for work...I was still laughing inside. He just makes me laugh even when he is NOT trying to....

Oh, the letter from Mel ....Pretty much a "ready reply"....... Cut/paste/send....yadda yadda yadda


I may be a goner.

My good friend, HWHL has had some health issues and claimed to be "melodramatic".
Well, I am here to tell you that I am not in the least melodramatic. really.

But, what I do have this week is some very, very strange symptoms.
*****Paging Dr. Bombay, come in Dr. Bombay****
(really, you remember that from Bewitched, right?)

What ails me this week:

  • I got that new expensive crown put on last week, and it seems that my mouth may be rejecting it. I have a phantom pain, two teeth behind the crown in my molar now.

  • I have serious pain in my left big toe. But only while I sleep. really. It is like there is a stick type creature that crawls under the nail bed and just jabs, jabs, jabs, while I try to sleep.

  • When I bend over, I can feel pain on both sides of my lower jaw. Just in front of my ears. I am convinced, they are tumors.

I am a goner.

Start preparing your memorials now people.

On the upside, my hair is growing out from that dreadful cut and I can have an open casket.


  1. I love a go getter kind of guy...that is what we need. My hubby is one, too! I have no tolerance for the "lazy" ones...none!
    -sandy toe

  2. on coach: what a guy you have... really :) and really, what's with the joke about the trophy wife? your decor in the back room just screams it!

    on you: melodramatic? you? the one who believes every symptom points to a brain tumor? you keep me laughing, my friend!

  3. I would go with Toe Tumor myself. I am sure that's what it is....have them amputate it and then you will be fine! I think they do that as an outpatient procedure now.

    This way you won't miss a beat and you can be back in the Denali picking up the girl's in no time!


  4. I hope business picks up soon for Coach. We have seen some glimmers of projects trying to get off of the ground in FL.

    I have your diagnosis: sinus infection - explains the tooth pain and the jaw throbbing. As for the toe, gout. Definitely gout. But you may want to get a second opinion.

  5. Well at least you're not dramatic about your ailments!!!

    I remember seeing or reading something about crazy toe pain. UGH What is it called????

    *quick google search mid post*

    I am coming up blank. If I find it I'll re-comment. Get that tooth looked at though. You could have one of those thingsssss UGHHHH what's it called!!! DANG I can't think today!!

    *google search again!!*

    DRY SOCKET!!! But I think that applies to pulled wisdom teeth.

  6. I love sneaking a peak at your blog when I'm supposed to be working (!) cuz the babies think I'm nuts!! They're doing their silent reading, and I'm cackling like a hyena!!

    I think Woody knows what he's talking about. But, glad to hear your hair's grown out enough for the open casket! Seriously, YOU'RE NUTS!!

  7. Good for coach! I love proactive people. Too many people have opinions, and a barrel load of criticism, but no solutions.

    Since I don't have a dx for your ailments, they must be terminal....

    I'm writing a really nice eulogy for your service.

  8. Incredible Woody is right--sinus infection. I get them occassionally and thought I knew what they felt like. Then I had one that had me starting off at the dentist convinced I needed a root canal and had TMJ--nope, sinus infection.

  9. You?, Melodramatic?

    I think it's great that Coach is trying to get as much information as he can about the state of the economy and is trying to straighten out politicians (lots of luck on that one!).

  10. Hi SuzyQ----I'm sorry for your pain.. Sounds like --as the comments above said--something simple. SO--don't buy your coffin yet!!!!! ha... BUT--get it all checked out. Pain is telling you SOMETHING.

    Hope Coach's business picks up. So many people are suffering these days.. He obviously is a good business person --and know who to talk to and what to say. That is a GOOD thing.

    My granddaughters both play softball and my son coaches some. My youngest granddaughter is a 'natural'--and is a catcher. She gets chosen for all kinds of all-star teams. I wish I lived closer to see them play.


  11. Tell your husband that he is not alone during this darn recession. We're feeling his pain here too, but there is still some hope around, hiding in the corners.

    I have also starting making the calls ... not to senators at this point, but certainly to clients.

    Sorry to here about your ailments ... it's hell getting old ain't it?

  12. I think wine cures a number of those ailments :)

  13. Behind every smart business man is a trophy wife!!!

    Look me up on Facebook...I'll accept your friend request:)

  14. Hooray for Coach and good luck - I'm sure his hard work and tenacity will pay off.

    Get to the dentist, sounds like your bite is off. (20 years dental experience and 20 gazzillions of $'s worth of dental work in my mouth speaking)

  15. No drama here, nope... *looks under the couch*

    All clear! Just a real lady in a real life, making us laugh real hard right along with her :-)

  16. We run our own business too- I empathise with you all the way. Coach sounds like a great guy

  17. Gee, Suz, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I had a botched root canal a few years ago. Had the phantom pain too. It just never got better. Two years ago, I had the tooth pulled. It's way back there, so not noticeable (I don't think!). Not the best solution, but it worked. On the up side, I'm pretty sure all the bloggers will get together and write a nice eulogy!

  18. Wow.... The real question is whether or not you are a hypochondriac or what the hell is that thing digging in your toe at night???

  19. Your Coach is a gem. You deserve him, though! Maybe he can help your health by gently massaging your toe and your head. I always love a good massage...and it takes my mind off of what's hurting. I hope you get well soon!

  20. That Hubby is TOOO much and I love him already and haven't ever met him. And you and me? We'll have a double funeral. Move over and leave some room in that casket for me (my second toe on my right foot? All painful and falling-off like despite the fact that it looks completely normal. don't be fooled....)

  21. OMG, I have a LIST of stupid stuff that is happening to me like that! WEIRD, unexplainable stuff. And I honestly don't give thought to any of it until it happens again!

    See you in Heaven? (I hope it's Heaven. LOL)

  22. I love your husband - I really do! He is such a GREAT guy, Suz. Even though I've never had the time to get to know him well, and I've only gotten to know him through what you have told me, he is a FIRST CLASS man. Seriously. And funny to boot. Good for him telling Senator Lazypants to get off his arse and help fix the economy. So many of our public servants are out-and-out WORTHLESS!!!! Drives me nuts. Part of me thinks we need to throw ALL of them out and start over from SCRATCH.

    As far as your symptoms, I understand. I relate. I am here, nodding my head, brows furrowed sympathetically. :)
    (Stress will manifest in physical symptoms... you know that, don't you? I have no doubt that's what both of us are going through, at least partially.) :)

  23. Suz: you are one crazy woman.
    thought i'd mention i do a nice rendition of amazing grace after a few drinks so don't forget to add me to the list of mourners.
    glad to hear your husband has such a good sense of humour. i'm sure it must come in handy at times LOL

  24. An open casket! Phew! What a relief! I just prayed for you and Coach and the girls and the dogs. Oh yes I did pray for the dogs too. God cares about everything. Even the dogs! Much love to you. I love you WAY more now that your hair is growing out. I can't really love someone fully when they have a bad haircut...I'm judgemental like that.

  25. I keep seeing a post about you lying to your children, but it's not here...what gives??


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