
April 21, 2009

Hey, do you smell something funny?

Warning: This guy has Wharf breath!

Have you seen ALL the stuff now for us to rid our homes of SMELL? There are complete isles in most stores just for candles, oils, air freshner sprays, plug in devices, pearls, balls, reeds, stones, name it.

I am waiting for someone to design an actual cat/dog that emits a fragrance...

Apparently we are a smell obsessed consuming country.

All the "green" literature I have read always covers this topic is always stated that A clean house should have NO SMELL. Not a "clean" smell that you can put your finger say: Pine sol. I used to like the smell of pine sol...but that love affair is over too.

I buy my baking soda at costco now. I clean so much stuff with it...I love it bunches. Sans smell.

Speaking of smells...
Have you ever walked into someones house and you knew instantly:
Gosh, I hope that is not the case in my house. I think that is a real crime. And punishment should be given there should be a.......smell law? Kidding.

Believe it or not...NO Dog breath from this little beauty...nosiree!

The Coach has come home before and said: "This place sm
ells stale." Really? STALE? I don't know what that smells like, do you?

But I believe him...after all, I have been in the stale house all day...what do I know?

I most likely smell stale myself. **making note on grocery list: buy anti-stale spray as I am whipping open windows & turning on fans**

I pride myself on keeping the house fairly tidy. Sanitary really. The garbage is taken out in a reasonable amount of time.

The counters are always wiped down before and after meal prep. The dogs beds get washed quite a bit.

The dogs get washed. (I loathe doing that job) The cat boxes are far away from most of the living space and they are cleaned all the time...and yet those cats are ungrateful.**giving a cat the evil eye right now**
Rosie is pulled out many times during the week and she sucks up all the floor dirt. Have I mentioned how much I love my
Rosie lately?
Well I LOVE her bunches. We are besties. Tight, like an impenetrable cult.

As far as I can tell, we have NO chinese dry wall here in our home. I have heard that stuff is horrid....BTW: I can't stand the smell of chinese food...the take out restaurants?
NO THANKYOU. (Although I love PF Chengs and their smaller spinoff, Pei Wei)

Gosh, now I am talking about restaurants....A.D.D party of ONE.

Really, I don't even remember now what the point to this entire post was....anyone have a clue?
Oh, Now i 'member....smelly stuff...what smells irk you?
Dog? Smoke? Rotisserie chicken? Baby hair? Flower candles?

Oh, Coach loathes my candles...he thinks that Yankee Ca
ndle should come up with a Bacon smelling scent. GROSS!!!


  1. I am sensitive to "people" smell - people who smell like B.O. I had a receptionist at another job long ago that smelled so bad that she made her chair smell and we had to get a new one (and let her go unfortunately after we tried to address the smell problem several times.)
    Yuck on a bacon smelling candle! Right now my husband loves "Coffee smelling" candles. I told him just turn on the coffee pot! I like my candles to smell like nature - pines, rain forest...

  2. Sauerkraut - it doesn't leave the home for days. I don't really care for the smell of bacon. It also lingers way too long. Cigarette smoke - UGG. Why is it that when you drive by a dead skunk, the smell doesn't hit until 1/2 mile or so down the road and doesn't leave your car until... well, it seems like never.

  3. There are a lot of things I like the smell of, but not all the time. Lilacs, new borns;babies and puppies, coffee...
    But after ten years in our home, it still smells like wood when I wallk in which is a good thing. ;)

  4. When our house has been shut up all winter, with the heat running, which it still is by the way, the house gets to smelling stuffy or stale. I LOVE when it finally gets to the point that we can open our windows. We actually were able to open them a little while last week and that was great. I just can't wait until we can leave them open all the time!

    The farmers are starting to spread manure on the fields, which can get a little strong. Driving by turkey barns with your car windows that is a nasty smell!

    I do not like the smell of someone wearing too much perfume or colgne.

    Even though I used to smoke :), I do not like the smell of cigarette smoke, especially in a house. Never smoke in a house or enclosed place, always outside, even in the winter...but those days are over now! Yay!

  5. Cat pee is my biggie. That in the "outdoor people" smell. Not necessarily B.O. just that "I have been standing outside for 20 minutes and my pores have absorbed everything from exhaust to dog turds" stank.

  6. Cute post and your dog is so cute and shiny! I cannot stand the smell of eucalyptus - it gives me an instant headache. (like in dried flower arrangements.)
    The last time I was lugging around my old vacuum, I wondered about you and Rosie!!! Glad you are still liking each other.

  7. Cig smoke is probably the worst. I noticed it a ton at Disney... we'd be walking along fine and then BAM, we'd walk past a smoking a million yards away and we could still smell it. Let the coughing begin.

    Stale cooked turkey bacon smell in the microwave is pretty bad. Hard to get rid of.

    Your doggies are cute..even if they're smelly. My cat doesn't give a rip that I clean up after her either. We use Feline Pine and it smells fresh... and you can mulch with it.. IF you wanted to. LOL

  8. One of the nicest ladies in our office wears the Cheapest Perfume on the planet. I have toyed with getting her some really nice perfume for Professional Assistant's day - which frick is tomorrow and I almost forgot - but I don't want to offend her.
    Please don't ever come to my house - I'm not sure what it would smell like but I'm pretty sure my cleaning standards do NOT meet yours. But Coach would've liked the smell yesterday...yup Bacon.

  9. I'm glad I'm not the only one that wishes her dog smelled like flowers!

    Stale is better than what scent assaulted me as I walked into our hotel room this morning. Stinky socks - yuck!! Men that work in boots that on occasion get wet have feet that smell really, really bad.

  10. Please PLEASE tell me your secret! How do you get rid of dog breath??

  11. I have Environmental Illness and have to avoid most cleaning products. Well, actually they don't seem to bother me anymore - but I would never choose to use them again in my own home. Just fyi - I used baking soda for years - borax is amazing to clean with as well.
    I would have to say - body odor mixed with cigarette smell... YUCK!

  12. I can't stand the smell of bacon or fish...completely makes me want to gag. I start sneezing like crazy if someone has alot of cologne or perfume on, although I can wear it and sniff it off of my hubby:)

  13. I found a candle that smelled like "Fresh Cut Grass"...I think that smelled absolutely disgusting, although I don't mind the smell of grass actually being cut.
    I can't stand the smell of eggs being makes me want to hurl.

  14. Fried food, anything you fry in the house stays for days if not longer and so does the smell of bacon after it is cooked.

  15. Rubbing alcohol gives me an instant headache. I put baking soda in my laundry--things just smell fresh.

  16. I swear I read an earth day post here 1 minute ago and now it's gone! Whacky Tuesday?!

  17. I use baking soda everywhere to eliminate odors, but I also use lots of candles, especially all the different' brands from Kohls that are always 50%-70% off.
    I think the worse odor for me is incense. I know people burn it for the smell, but I hate it.

  18. I am obsessed with smell---greenies would croak in my house, as I have my Sharper Image Ionizer going in my bedroom, Bath & Body air fresheners in the bathrooms, and spray air fresheners handy at all times. Smells I hate:Cigarette Smoke. Gag me.I can smell someone smoking in a car two lanes over, when I have my windows shut! Cat Pee. The worst urine in existance. I can smell it a mile away.There is a cat running loose in our condo complex and I swear I smelled it this morning when I took my sweet smelling Hootie out for a pee! Fast Food smell. Makes me sick to my stomach when I drive by one. BO. Get some deodorant why don't cha?!Could never live in contries where deodorant is optional. Tabu Perfume. I believe it rivals cat pee on the disgusting scale. Oh I could go on, but this is your blog!! XX-C

  19. Okay, I am naive about baking soda. Will have to research it. Still in love with Pine Sol and chlorine though. My house, when shut up for a few hours smells like a motel, but that doesn't bother me nearly as much as fried food odors lingering on a cook.

  20. I know you are a dog-lover, but I can't stand dog-scent. If they are clean, it's okay, but a dirty dog? Noooooo. I don't like yesterday's food smell, either, no matter how delicious it was yesterday. (I have worked in food service, and that smell on my clothes was not fun.) The other smell that makes me queasy is the smell of the perfume, Poison. When I was pregnant with David, I got in an elevator at work with a woman who was bathed in that scent, and I nearly lost it. I still don't like it!
    Now, for some smells that I love: salt air, vanilla, coconut, berries ripening in the sun, a baby's neck, Gregg, and my perfume (I get it from France). Fun question, Suz!

  21. I hate cigarette smoke, paint fumes and when something is rotting and i can't find it, I am always the only one who smells it and it drives me nuts until I find it. I will tear the house apart with cleaning until i find it. ugg I hate dirty homes, when i was growing up we had such a filthy house we lived in it was embarrassing to let people come over, so I dread a smelly house today I keep it very sanitary

  22. funny you should ask. right now i'm at a computer in my classroom and either side of me are a couple of real stinkies. i TRY so hard to encourage them to be fresh and clean.
    it's like beating my head on a brick wall.
    they just do NOT care.
    i am sad.
    i dont' think i would mind chinese dry wall.

  23. Ha about the last 20 min.s I ran down cellar folded a load of laundry; put a wash in; ran upstair; to get the vacuum; got side track by the running toilet (water bill), grabbed the pile of magazines that the hubster has building up on top of the toilet tank...grabbed th vacuum, ran down stairs, grabbed a cup of coffee and side tracked again on the computer.......!

    I use baking soda for everything and I also buy it at costco....I know that stale smell, I often smell it when I visit my brother in Florida....I think it is a combination of the humid weather outside and the constant running AC.....I recommend washing floor with bleach (of course you have to put the animals out while doing this).....
    Oh the word for forgetting what I am doing from one moment to the next is "Sometimers" Sometime I forget and sometime I remember....!

    Yankee candle....I cannot tolerate them, if I go to the mall and they have a yankee candle store....believe it or not the smell is so strong that just walking through the mall..I get a headache.......I think it has something to do with my auto immune disease....I use to love the blueberry.......but it didn't love me........

    gotta run the vacuum is screaming my name........

    did I say I wanted to come back as a cat in my next life........well I do!

  24. See I almost forgot - I thought of you when I while viewing this you know why ....

  25. wow, lots of peeps hate ciggie smells. COUNT ME IN. that is the worst to me. bad breath makes me gag and i will puke... specially coming from someone talking to me that i need to listen to. left over poop smells in public restrooms. [hurl] stinky feet. [again, hurl] a can of tuna when opened. [gags] rotton crotch [sorry, im a nurse in OB] bad dog breath. BO. stale cig smoke on peoples clothing you have to stand near. [burps] as you can see my tolerance for bad smells is very little and very sensitive. cheap perfumes, too much perfumes, the smell of old clothes at goodwill stores. musty. bad meat. we have had chickens and beef that when you open the package, it smells rotton. [throws up a little in my mouth]
    vomit. other people's farts. cooking eggs. [chin quivers] skunk. compost. anything dead. anything rotting. anything dirty.
    yep that would be the majority.

    good topic.


  26. My house would be the one that smells like a 12 y.o. dog who rolls in dead things and will bite you if you try to bathe him.....did I mention that he weighs 95 pounds???? It takes three people to muzzle and bathe DOES NOT happen very often.

    I LOVE Yankee Candles, Febreeze and Carpet Fresh...they are more than just frivilous "smell good" purchases. In my house, they are NECESSITIES!!!!!

    Smells I do not like? Besides the ones already covered.....lavender and rose scented things...smells like old lady to me!!!

  27. Oh don't get me started. I have the nose of a bloodhound, so almost every smell drives me nuts because I smell EVERYTHING. The worst for me, is that I hate the smell of browning beef in a skillet. Hamburger Helper is my nemesis.

  28. I hate standing in line behind someone who smells like they have taken a shower that day. ewww Gotta add that one to the "there should be a law."

  29. Bacon???Mmm...I love the smell of food cooking in the crockpot...or maybe I like that I don't have to ask what's for dinner at 5pm.
    sandy toe

  30. #1 most hated smell - cigarette smoke!! THANK GOD (!!!!) you can no longer smoke in public places here in Illinois! Our bar opened after the no smoking ordinance passed, so there's never been smoking in there. It still has that "new bar smell" when you walk in the door! ;-)

    I am guilty, however, of being an air freshner junkie. I have plug-in air fresheners all over my house, (Plug-Ins, Glade, Bath & Body Works, whatever!) and in my classroom. I love opening my door and smelling apple cinnamon :) Or, whatever other delightful scent I've put in there. And, I LOVE scented candles (but they have to be good ones,not the cheap ones, because they don't smell the same) I have different ones for different times of the year. I love my pumpkin pie candle in the fall, Crisp Linen in the summer, oh, I could go on and on. I know, I'm a loser!!

  31. How can anyone not like candles? Gary likes them more than I do. Sometimes I think I am married to a girl. SHHHHHHHHHHHHH, don't tell anyone : ).

    Speaking of Pei Wei we just got one in the city. My co worker went there yesterday for lunch. I would like to get some of that as soon as possible. Because, well, you know, I really do need to GAIN A FEW more pounds before summer....

  32. The smell of cows take some beating and all the mess they can make or so my wife says. I've worked with them for so long I can't tell anymore

  33. ...cigarette smoke, perfume and after shave give me headaches and asthma attacks. I cannot understand why people feel they must use the entire bottle on themselves...are they covering up BO or can they just not smell the crap?

    Now for good smells....right now my jasmine nad wisteria are in full bloom and I have to go outside and inhale the wonderful smell!

  34. I don't know that I'm ready for bacon-scented candles, but I will admit that it probably would be a big improvement over cigarette smoke.

  35. GAG----The worst smell is someone's OLD stinky tennis shoes (like my son's when they are teens)... Another worst smell to me is an old lady's strong, stinky perfume.... Sometimes it's not just the cheap stuff that smells so bad. Yuk!!!!


  36. OK that photo of the bacon? Just made my mouth squirt.


    Dogs are gorgeous... totally worth the smells and farts and all ;-)

  37. I live in China and the smells are awful: rotting meat, open sewage, weird things I can't even identify. I have gotten very good and holding my breath here!

  38. Smells I hate: Eggs, truck exhaust (the truck stop near home really gets to me), and almost anything cloth-like when wet. Oh, and I cannot tolerate the abercrombie and fitch store. It reeks of their cologne/perfume brand! Just totally reeks and sends my allergies haywire!

    Smells I like: Good perfume on a woman, fresh cut grass, and, believe it or not, cooking foods (except eggs).


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