
February 20, 2009

A Sick House And The Octomom came for a visit.

Lo has had her sickness...hers is mostly allergy related. She is doing much better too. Finally got over the "roid rage" and as far as I know there were no fatalities.
*thank you baby Jesus*
Coach has had his fair share of allergies. They are pretty constant from December to April.
We go through lots and lots of tissues. I just bought 2 more cases at costco this week. Yes, 2 cases. All the green stuff I do around here, then I go and take down trees for the pure comfort of my families noses. Go figure.
Oh wait, am I taking down trees or cotton farms? I will have to check into that. Seriously though, we can't live without tissues. I suppose back in biblical times they used leaves, or perhaps they had no allergies or colds....
Oh, I am really off track now. *imagining Jesus sneezing and someone blessing him*

The only one in the family NOT affected by allergies is our little Linds.
But this past week she caught some sort of bug. (I call it the FUNK) She started Saturday morning with a fever. Which was horrible timing because we were scheduled to sell girl scout cookies that morning. So, I dosed her up with Tylenol and we forged on to the sales.
That worked. We take our commitements seriously.
Until we got home. Then it really hit her. And it hit her hard.
I did not take her temp the right way, you know I just did it the Mom way.
By touching her forehead. She was hot, but not hospital hot.
She was just the "take more tylenol, eat some soup, drink some juice" kind of hot.
Well, that is what we did all Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Well, the fever was gone by Sunday afternoon, but then started the runny nose.
It was a snotfest of sorts. ewww. that sounds gross. well, it is.
As a matter of fact, Coach and I joked that she has taken the family room and the tv hostage.
She set up her clinic in there and no one wanted to take any chances on catching the funk. (If I had a bubble for her, she would have been in it)
So, come Tuesday morning, she could not get up for school.

Well, not that she could not wake up, she physically could not get up.
The Funk bug had somehow affected her leg muscles. (or from just laying around too much)
But her leg muscles were so tight, that she had a hard time walking. (her nose was just too runny for school too)
(I remember having this happen to me years ago after being sick for a few days, all of a sudden I woke up one day and could hardly walk. It took a few days to get better.)
Well, by Tuesday night, she and I were kinda laughing at HER, trying to walk.
She was wobbling around like a very pregnant woman. You know, legs wide out, like she had been on a horse for 16 hours.

Earlier in the day, we saw a clip of the "octomom" on a news blurb.

SO I told her that was what she looked like too. Then I started call her "Octomom."

Whereas she told me that she was going to have 26 children so that she can name them all through the alphabet.
So, she started with the letter A and stopped at Z with all these crazy baby names.
And they were crazy. I can't repeat them, cause I don't want any of you getting any ideas for your own future children.
By Thursday, I gave her her meds and sent her to school. She was feeling better, but still going through the tissues.
She looks much less like the Ocotmom now, and more like my little angel.

(I put the angel part in cause she reads this blog)

I hope everyone is healthy, not with any funk, snotfests or Octomom wobbling issues.


  1. I had the snotfest cold just after Christmas. It was gross. I woke up one morning with snot all over my face. ICK! Needless to say, pink eye came immediately after that! *sigh* I HATE being sick!

  2. Oh, it's good that you can still joke with all of that going on! Hope everyone is feeling better by the weekend.

  3. 2 of my kids came down with the stomach bug on Wed night. Within 2 hours of each other. Super! Needless to say I've gotten a lot of laundry done since then. So much so that we didn't have anymore hot water last night. My oldest is fine and went off to school today. He seems to be the one that shakes things off in 2 seconds while the rest of the family lingers. My daughter has a fever now so we'll see what the weekend brings. I think this might be interfering with my girls' night out. Keep your fingers crossed for me! xoxo

  4. My whole family had some serious funk last week. Seriously, where does snot come from and why is there an unending supply?

  5. Glad everyone is on the mend! I can relate to the 'roid rage - I am not allowed to take the stuff. I seriously think I could kill someone when I'm on that stuff!

  6. We had lots of germs floating around this winter too, blech:(

  7. Glad she's feeling better. I can just SEE her (mini YOU) coming up with 26 humorous baby names.... :-)

  8. Aw, poor baby! I hope she's feeling back to 100% now. It's so sweet that her family can totally MAKE FUN OF HER in her time of pain!! NICE!!! ;-)

    We, also, buy tissue by the case from Sam's. Pretty sad, huh?

  9. Boy is that funky illness going around. I've been lucky but my grandkids haven't been.

    BTW, my grandmother never used tissues...always hankies...she made sure everyone had a fresh hankie every day.

  10. Ugh the snotfest, the funk the allergies and snakes - yeah I'm stayin' far far away girl!

  11. I am so glad that she's feeling better. When it drags on like that, it makes me uneasy, even though I know now that most "bugs" take a week to 10 days to clear up!
    Do you recall the Dr. Seuss story of Mrs. McCave who had 23 sons, and she named them all DAVE? It's a great rhyme in "The Sneetches" storybook (if you still have that one). There are some crazy names in it! My dad loves to read it aloud when he volunteers in the elementary school.

  12. Glad everyone is on the mend finally. Allergies are pretty bad here in Phx now too. Patrick is trying to decide if his boogiefest is from his allergies or if he has a cold. AllegraD for the day and Nyquil at night to cover both bases!

  13. My husband had that a couple of weeks ago--it is vile. I'm glad she's on the mend.

  14. I didn't think people got the lurg in gorgeous Florida- we go there to get rid of our nasty bugs. Warm weather and sunshine. Sigh

  15. Hope everyone recovers soon! Loved your blog...found it trolling through links of links from the Pioneer Woman. She just can't post often enough for me!

    Loved the idea of someone blessing Jesus when he sneezes. Seems he would have that covered, huh?!

    Blessings! (Not because you sneezed.)

  16. I hate to jinx it, but I have not been sick since I work from home. The fact that I wear my gloves everywhere when I go out helps too. Won't catch me touching that grocery cart handle with my bare hands and then picking my nose. no way.

  17. I hope Linds has completely recovered and no one else in the family has come down with the funk. It's good you can still laugh about it!

  18. Well at least you guys are keeping the tissue company is business! Hope she feels much better soon!

  19. Agh Suz.... Fun Times in your home!!!! Did I see you back at Costco buying another case of tissue.. By the way, I still call them kleenix instead of tissues, even if they aren't the Kleenix brand... Another Big Stone Gapism!!!! ha ha

    You should take all of that used tissue and go and capture the Octomom and cover up totally up with tissues and put her far far far away--in the ground (or somewhere out of this world)... what a nutcase.

    Hope this weekend is better for you all.

  20. All's well in WIXYland. I have an award for you. Come and get it!

  21. It won't let me comment for some reason on your latest post...:(

    But, I do want to tell you I greatly appreciate your perspective. I am still a little down today (and the dreariness outside doesn't help), but I'll get through it.


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