
February 12, 2009

Husband tag.

I was tagged by the lovely Betsy to participate in this fun Husband Tag.
oh, this just gives me one more reason to brag about Coach.
There does not seem to be any rules about this tag....which is great. Betsy tagged 4 peeps, so I will do the same.
If you are not tagged, but would love to do this also, please do and let me know!

I am going to tag:

My real life friend Dawn. I know a bit about her husband....but I know she would love to share some more with us!

Jenn at Juggling life , she has hinted at how fab her other half is...I think she would enjoy doing this also.

I am going to tag Smiley girl @ live happy. She is such a silly, sweet girl. But lately she has been down in the dumps....I think this may cheer her up a bit. Plus, her hubby is just as silly as she is.

And Karen GBerger, she must share about her Gregg. They have a great love, these two. They have endured probably the most difficult of challenges in their life together...they are inspirational.

If you are not married,and you HATE men, don't send hate mail.
If you are married and still don't like men, don't send hate mail.
If you are a gay woman, and you don't like men, don't send hate mail.
If you are a very attractive gay man , you can write about your husband.

1)Husbands Name: Coach.

2)How long have you been married? May will be 18 years. (I had to get the calculator out to remember)

3)How long did you date? 6 years. And STILL I was a child bride.

4)How old is he? 43

Dating rituals in the 80's were very primitive.

5)Who eats more sweets? Probably me. I have the sweet tooth and pms.

6)Who is the better singer? Oh, that would be me. Although neither of us really sings well. But I claim to be better. this is my blog.

7)Who is smarter? Ummmppphhh. Wow. Well, since the kids don’t even bother asking for my help with any math or science anymore, I would say he is smarter. He is very book smart. It is extremely annoying.

8)Who does the laundry? ME. I don’t really want anyone else near MY appliances.

9)Who pays the bills? His check goes right into the bank. I pay all the bills. He will ask on occasion: “how much money do we have in the bank?” I have never told him about the offshore accounts though. Those are just for me.

10)Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me. Sometimes Cocoa too.

11)Who mows the lawn? Carlos.

12)Who cooks dinner? Me. When we both worked, he did a large portion of dinner. But now, it is just me. But he can cook if he had too. (Like, if I emptied the bank acct and ran away to Vegas.)

He is very good at catching pole required.

13)Who drives? When we are together- HIM. He claims to get carsick if I drive…this has been ongoing forever. Kind of a family joke now.

14)Who is the first to say they are wrong? Neither. We are very stubborn. And plus, I am never wrong.

15)Who kissed who first? Um, as far as I know, you have to kiss at the same time. Right?

16)Who asked who out first? Neither. It was a blind date.

17)Who wears the pants? Coach always wears pants. It is frowned upon to go pant- less. I usually wear capri’s or shorts. (We have a very good 50/50 jive going on here)

have you ever loved someone so much that you just wanted to eat their face?

me too.


  1. I loved your primitive dating ritual in that first photo!! I loved reading your tag - you are so darn funny! Good luck w/ those off shore accounts. You may need to tell me how I can go about opening up one myself. :)

  2. I chuckled at #8..very cute and fun!
    -sandy toe

  3. What a great meme! Love the pictures of you and coach!

  4. Love the pictures! You guys are adorable.

  5. Aw,Suz,this was so cute! And so appropriate for Valentine's Day!

  6. The primitive dating pic says it all. I love it! Sounds like you guys are a great match.

    I wanna play! I wanna play!! Can I? Can I? Huh??

  7. This tag is awesome.I may have to do this one. I loved all of your pics and anwsers. I believe I will do this one.

  8. What a great post. I'm glad I'm old enough to have missed those particular primitive dating rituals -- I never could catch anything when fishing. It sounds as if you and Coach were made for each other. I only wish you hadn't given Betsy an idea with the offshore accounts!

  9. I loved reading this; you guys are adorable. You should post more pics from "way back when." It's great to see what was happening, in addition to reading about it. This is going to be great fun; thanks for including me.
    Isn't love a miracle? I mean, seriously. What day is your anniversary? Our 18th is coming up in May, too!

  10. What a cute post! I'm falling in love with Coach! But....I'd throw in the towel for a cut of the off shore accounts.

  11. I'm glad to meet someone else that is never wrong;)

  12. I love this. Can I do it? He is so sweet. I was relieved to read that he wears pants because I kind of always imagined him walking around your house pantless....: ).

  13. Suzanne---HOW cute. You have such an incredible wit!!!! I love it!!!! Love your answers--especially the one about the off-shore account.. Hmmmm---that's a good idea!!!! ha

    Thanks again for doing this.. Love the pictures.

  14. That first photo is priceless! It gives me yet another reason to be grateful my husband is a wussy. Though larger than I, he could never get me into a fishing net.

  15. you made this so much fun and love your photos.

  16. This is wonderful!!
    And I'm going to ask my hubby to start calling me Carlos. :)

  17. lovely- I enjoyed it. Good to see happy stuff going on for a change in a difficult worldx

  18. Those pictures really do sum up dating in the '80's..."It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."

  19. Awwww.... I LOVE this! :-)

  20. Hi Girlie! Cute post ... "this is MY blog" x's and o's from tennessee. dragging this southern trip out as long as we possibly can!

  21. Awww, cute post! Your pics are adorable. I love the one of you trying to eat him.

    Come visit, I did one too :)

  22. Happy Valentines Day Suza Paluuza : ).

  23. It took me about three read-throughs to figure out why you told me that you had tagged me! But now, I get it. You're too kind. And yes, I accept this tag! Thank you.

    Coach seems like such a great guy.

  24. Gotta love the acid wash!

    Here's to many more happy years!

  25. He looks like he is just as crazy as you are!:) I love the picture of the dating ritual and catching the fish without the pole!! Hilarious!

  26. That was too funny! Enjoyed it!


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