
September 29, 2008

Blonde Moment #13

For a long, long time, I have been seeing these decals on car & truck windows.

Perhaps it is just the way my brain works, but until it was pointed out to me

(by my 12yr old)...all this time I thought it had something to do with "dancing"

If you try really hard, doesn't it look like someone dancing, one foot curled in, arms in the air... (headless?)
Never mind the fact that 99 % of the time I would see these on pick up trucks.

I think somehow I got the deer silhouette mixed up with this Kokopelli guy that I used to see in Arizona.

Honest Mistake. Right?

I had no idea that I was surrounded by so many "hunters".

On a eery side note....while looking for a picture of the deer decal, the first website I came to was temporarily closed down due to the owner recently being diagnosed with lyme disease. An obvious hazzard to hunting.

Yikes. I know that is nothing to laugh about. Years ago when trying to figure out my leg pain one Doctor suggested it may be lyme disease.

Last weekend, Linds spent a couple of days with a girlfriend and came home on Sunday. When she showered that night, she found two ticks on her leg. Yuck.

I was a bit freaked by it.

Parents check those kids after they are out running around.
There. That is my good deed for the week.


  1. Awwwwwwwwww. Thank you for sharing your good deed with the world. I can't see the dancers. Hope your week is WONDERFUL! God bless!

  2. Awwwwwwwwww. Thank you for sharing your good deed with the world. I can't see the dancers. Hope your week is WONDERFUL! God bless!

  3. I don't see the dancer either. It looks like one of those Fiddler Crabs that Chesapeake Bay Woman gets invaded by.

    I have never seen a tick, what should I look for on my legs when I shower.

    Thank you for warning everyone about Lyme disease.

  4. LOL! I saw the dancer, too. I would've never realized it was a deer if you hadn't pointed that out!

  5. good deed done. THANKS.

    I always freak out when running outside...

  6. I can't see the dancer. And it never occurred to me that someone wouldn't know that it was the Browning logo. But I do live with a gun enthusiast!!

  7. I TOTALLY thought it was someone dancing too, Suzanne! (Seriously.) I found out it was a deer logo not long ago too (how weird that we both thought that... I wonder how many OTHER women think that too!)

    Our dogs get ticks all the time.... up in the wooded area of our back yard! They are horrifying little parasites... you have to pull them off with tweezers and then light them with a lighter until they POP. Ick.

  8. HA my fellow 5 year old hussie - dancer indeed. You are very funny.

    And my 29 YO nephew has lyme disease - no laughing matter to be sure. Went undiagnosed for years until it did damage.

  9. I definitely see the Kokopelli connection. San Diego is not big on hunters--I don't think I've seen that one.

  10. this is a deer decal?
    i had no idea.
    and no, it doesn't look like a dancer to me either.
    not even a kokopelli wotsit.
    i was thinking maybe a lobster.
    just me then.
    but thanks for the heads up on lyme disease.
    i didn't know that citrus fruits were dangerous.

  11. I hate hunting. But dancing's good.

  12. i would NEVER have know that was a deer if you hadn't posted this!just goes to show how far hunting is from our minds

  13. I see the dancing thing, too...and maybe an OM? I wonder what this says about us. Hm.


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