I can't be the only one who notices how large the cereal isle has grown in the grocery store. Cereal is taking over the entire store.
It is Disney World for your bowl and spoon.
Just amazing. Almost overwhelming.
I went down the row looking for Cheerios.
When I re-read that paragraph, I could almost hear myself shouting out the "DO you know...part." I hope I did not hurt anyones ears...
Cereal is very expensive too....you can buy a good piece of steak if you compare the ounce for ounce serving price.
By the way...the Multi Grain Cheerios are the bomb!!!
ok. whining about food prices=old person.
I have a direct flight to old person land.
**ONE ticket to the Bingo Hall, please**
No offense to anyone already visiting old person land...I was just hoping to not get there for another 40 years.
80 is old, right?
OR is 80 the new 60? 60 the new 50?
It is so confusing.
While at the store, I saw the cutest little old lady.
She was TINY. I mean, TINY.
She could not have been taller than 4'5 and could not weigh more than 80lbs.
So cute, I wanted to pick her up, put her in my purse and take her home.
She would like it here. We are nice.
But what struck me odd.....her ears. Seriously, they were ginormous.
I don't like to stare at people...We are all God's creatures and we are all special... but I had to look twice.
Her ears were very-very large.
If she were to wear earrings, they would have to be the size of small bike tires to compensate for the large lobe area.
It made me wonder.....did she shrink and her ears stayed the same size?
Or did her ears keep growing after she stopped?
I wonder if mine are still growing?
**quickly looking for a measuring tape**
On this same shopping trip, I overheard a conversation a man was having with his wife on his cell phone.
He was trying to reconcile their marriage while he was shopping in Publix.
He was telling her that he would try to take away all her stresses, so that they, as a couple could focus on their marriage and he even asked if he could come back home for the weekend to try it out.
How can you do that AND choose your cereal?