
September 16, 2009

Makes me wonder…

I saw a guy at the gas station this morning with super long, stringy hair, a goatee down to his chest, tattoos up and down both arms,each ear pieced 3 times.

walking Birth control

Guess what he was pumping gas into…



YEP. A Minivan.

Hey buddy, did the whole rebel thing just did not pan out for ya?

And for my latest Blonde Moment . I just recently learned why a goatee was called a ‘goatee.’


Did everyone know this but ME??? The scary part is, the coach has had a (short) goatee for many years now…had I only known he was just a kiiiiddddd.

ok. that was my really bad goat/kid joke. feel free to forget it. erase.


  1. My husband HATES minivans. He won't even park next to one.

  2. Ew about the guy pumping gas. I just wonder what ppl think when they look in the mirror sometimes. LOL

  3. Loved the "walking birth control"!
    I'm a blondie, too. Never really thought about the goatee's origin.

  4. Are you KIDDING about both the guy and the goatee?

  5. I've often wondered how they have babies in developing countries. The pictures of everyone starving, living in garbage, flies everywhere - does that really put you in a lovin' mood?!?

  6. and again... you have cracked me up!
    (but i read on someone's blog that the cracks let in the light...)

    when i saw that picture i thought for sure you were going to blog about the time eric captured goats in your yard....

  7. CB looks pretty darn sexy in his goatee. I will never be able to look at it the same way again. GAH!

    A minivan? Really?

  8. Ok, I never made that connection til now. And I am not blonde. (Buying hair dye now, so I at least have an excuse for my stupidity!)

  9. Some women like their men to look a bit roguish, a bit rough, but NOT that rough!
    My old pal Chad called his own simply "my goat".

  10. Cute post, SuzyQ... Made me think about an young Hippie couple I knew when we lived in New Orleans. (Where else?) This couple was in our church--and they both looked 'scraggly' ALL of the time. She was a big gal and NEVER wore a bra.. GROSSS!!!! He had long hair that looked like bugs lived in it--and both just looked dirty. They 'used' our church to help them financially since neither held down any job. They had the cutest little boy --and we all felt sorry for Wesley. They also had a houseful of pets--pets which wet and pooed anywhere they wanted to. GADS!!!! They finally got evicted and some of us helped clean up their 'stuff'.. I thought I'd throw up--just touching their stuff, which had been dumped on the curb. Makes me wonder what ever happened to that couple --and especially to Wesley....

    Sorry--didn't mean to go on and on.

  11. LOL! BB you need to spend more time on a farm :-D

    You're so cute, I want to reach out and hug you!

  12. you goof ball, did the walking poster child for birth control have kids?

  13. Some one else commented this but.... you are so funny!

  14. I missed ya Suzzzz -- soooo funny. Hey, I'm a fake blonde and didn't know the goatee thang either.

    I'm the opposite of the mini van guy -- 46 year old in a sports car... lol -- I'm not sure which is worse!

  15. are not alone...never dawned on me about the goatee.

    As far as the 'clean one owner' (as Patrick would call him) - you KNOW there is a female version of him out there too and she is just waiting to meet her dream guy!

  16. C'mom, seriously!? It's called a GOATee, for Pete's sake! ;-)

  17. We needed pictures of that guy.

  18. Baaaaaah! hahahaha. now you got me wondering about sideburns?

  19. That wasn't bad.
    It was Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!

  20. I never would've guessed the minivan - lol! Walking birth control is right! ha,ha! And I think you were KIDDING about not knowing about the goatee -right? Right??? tee hee! My hubby likes to grow one during hunting season.

  21. You are too funny Suz! "Walking birth control"...I love it!

  22. Walking birth control? HAHA, I'm so stealing that. Awesome.

    I think I knew, but there are sooo many things I don't know. I'm with ya on that feeling!

  23. I had no idea. You're not alone. Hey, learn something new everyday so yay for us.

  24. LOL! Well I just recently got The BEATles. Get it Beat! Like in a song....I'm not even blonde!

  25. I can't tell if you're kidding about the goatee or not. It makes some sense.

    You would not believe the tattoos on the moms & dads at the school I'm at.


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