
April 03, 2020

TGIF; The one where everyone is being safe.

Happy Friday!

Oh, wait, every day is essentially Friday. 

I meant to blog earlier this week, but I was too busy. 

I've been to the mall, the beach, the nail salon, the hair salon, I spent an afternoon at the casino, the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker and then I went to a rave one night; it was a blast. 

You know better. My azz has been at the only safe place on the planet. 

My in-laws live in Lake Okeechobee (they just got their very first case of the virus yesterday) and my funny MIL sent this pic to us of her manatee mailbox. 

She sewed a face mask for it and stated that she was 'prepared'. How stinking cute? 
My in-laws have manatees in the backyard (canal) and a manatee mailbox in the front yard; I love it as it's very fitting for this little town. 

The Coach and I have been eating very well. I made a big pot of collard greens this week along with pork tenderloin medallions. I always feel fancy when I cook medallions; much better than saying I prepared nuggets.  I should have taken a pic before we devoured our dinner. 
If only we had smell-o-vision in the ole blogosphere; but then, y'all would banging on my door and I'd have to ignore you because social distancing. 

I also made a meat sauce in my instant pot and we had it over ravioli. The coach thought he might have died and gone to heaven. It was that good.
Tonight (Thursday) we're having steak, sweet peppers and portobello mushrooms on the grill.

We won't starve.
We also won't lose any weight.
We also won't complain about anything because we're fortunate.

The girls and I have been staying in touch and we have even done three-way face time a few times; I didn't even know you could do that!

Who wore it best? Real-life or our avatar emojis? Just kidding. Real-life is always better.

So far everyone is faring well.
Our business is 'essential' so that's still happening.

I don't think I'll ever become bored.
There are some things I'd like to go and do, but everything can wait.

I am a bit bummed about not being with our people for Easter.
Can we? If we are a party of five?
Hey, that should be the name of a tv show.

How are you? It's been all about me on this post and I didn't ask about you.
Weekend plans?
Are you getting out and soaking up some Vitamin D each day? 

What do you think your Easter will look like? 

Big virtual hugs to all of you reading this.



  1. Off work next week finally so I'll be hopefully getting lots of cleaning done, deep cleaning like Spring cleaning. Plus I want to cook double portions of a bunch of stuff and freeze it for the following week. Anyway, that mailbox is too cute. We have had sunshine for the past few days and I am out in it as much as I can be!

    1. Good for you to have some downtime; cleaning and also some R & R is good for the soul.

  2. Yesterday our governor chewed out citizens for not taking this coronavirus seriously, so a second wave of panic buying has set in. I'm just going to work in our yard when it's not raining.

    By the way, I really like that well-prepared manatee.

    1. Ours too-we got a good tongue lashing. :) Some people needed to hear it.
      Enjoy your yard work!

  3. Ha- love the mailbox and the emojis. Too funny! You are a way more high tech mom than I am. Me: 'Guys, does anyone know how to fix Curly's zoom thing for dancing?'

    I snapped a little last night and DEMANDED people pitch in and clear some of the high traffic areas. Toss out newspapers, clear counters, vacuum family room (which Mini volunteered to do when she sensed I was about to burst and she didn't want a worse job), and pretend there aren't 12 boxes randomly dispersed in the kitchen and front hall from Lad's move back from New York.

    My photo albums came in the mail and the sewing project is done, so we can pack sewing stuff away and start on albums on the dining room table this weekend.

    Lad is at a job interview as I type this. Fingers crossed. Really, everything crossed. Coach thinks it is more of a networking thing but Lad swears the guy mentioned a job in Buffalo. This is a patient of Coach's who is meeting with Lad. Very worried that he won't find a job now that Corona has wreaked havoc on the economy. That would be a nightmare.

    We are eating well too. Too many mouths to get away with NOT offering big filling meals. Had chili last night that I froze in preparation for my writing class. Had not figured on feeding 2 additional college men so the portions were small, but leftovers were also available. Curious about the meat sauce that was in your insta pot.

    I napped on a lawn chair yesterday. It was 50 but sunny. Time in the sun always makes me perk up.

    Easter with just us will be plenty for us as my family is annoying (must blog about the group chat that about put me over the edge). Will miss Coach's sis and bro and families who were supposed to be here - but maybe we will be all high tech and zoom. :)

    1. Sorting pics and putting them into albums is a great time sucker and productive too. Hell yeah they should all be helping pick up, clean, etc....I'd close the kitchen until said jobs are done.
      So, you'll still have a big Easter because you're already all together; I love it

  4. Once again, I totally envy the sunshine. It's rainy and cloudy here in New York, went outside today and...41 degrees. We do appreciate spring time like crazy, but this year, being home, it's like, HURRY UP ALREADY! We are looking sooooo forward to opening the pool this year, but the earliest we could swim would be end of May...but one day at a time! We are also eating really good dinners. It helps that I know that all six of the kids who live here will be here for dinner every night, and that none of the other kids will be dropping in. We are being really good about not wasting leftovers, too. It's actually pretty nice. We have been using Zoom to connect, and lots of FaceTiming the grand kids.

    1. We are fortunate with lots of sunshine here. Looks like everyone is eating well and we'll all have to pay for that later. :) Love face time; haven't tried Zoom yet.

  5. I LOVE THE MAILBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. For realz.

      PS: How do yo get your comment area to produce bigger fonts words? So far, I can only get my post itself to have bigger words but the comments are still teeny tiny. Any help would be great. Thanks!

  6. Every day looks different for me. Today was a slow day on the work front so I cleaned a great majority of our windows - still have 9 to go...maybe tomorrow. I figure there are plenty of things that need to be done around here; so my plan is to work on those during slow work days. I may get in the yard tomorrow as we have been having some really nice days here.

    1. It's good to change it up. I wish I liked cleaning windows. :(

  7. I love that mailbox! And zoom is so fun! I started another blog - Shelley’s Coronavirus Chronicles - sounds positive - right? :-)

  8. Hi!
    We are doing much the same here.
    Sometimes I do things.
    Sometimes I move from the bed to the couch.
    The weather here is chilly and damp.
    I am waiting for sun!
    Easter will be different for sure.
    I think we will all dress up for diner at least!
    Your cooking sounds yummy.
    We made shrimp alfredo tonight.
    Who knew I had it in me?!
    Stay safe!

    1. Shrimp Alfredo? I don't believe I've ever made that myself; sounds yummy. Keep doing your things, or not doing your things. ;)

  9. Cute mailbox. You should try Zoom conferencing with your girls it is fun and easy to set up although I leave that to my daughter.

    1. I feel like I need to get on the Zoom bus. ;)

  10. Aww I love your inlaws without ever meeting them!

    That meal looks pretty damn good and saying the word "medallion" makes me feel fancy too!

    How are your daughters doing? How are you doing? I can imagine how hard it is not to be together during this.

    Sending you a big hug.

    1. My in-laws are pretty darn special.

      My girls are doing well. We talk everyday and they're natural intoverts so, they don't miss big crowds although I know we'd all like to be together for a meal and laughter. XO

  11. Also, Easter is gonna be a bummer but my parents ordered us a ham which is the sweetest thing ever. If the weather is decent, I said we would bring our own desserts and sit on the front porch and talk through the storm door.


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