
November 30, 2010

Nothing alive, PLEASE.


I asked the girls: “What do you want for Christmas?”

They both looked at me blankly and said:  I don’t know….

…..then I could see the wheels turning.

Lindsay: how about a mouse?

Me: No. nothing alive.

Lo: how about one of those fish with the big eyes?

Me: No. nothing alive.

Linds: I really want a bunny; bunnies are so cute.

Me: No. nothing alive.

Lo: I always wanted an ant farm.

Me: No. nothing alive.

What part of nothing alive don’t they understand?

Sooooo….my Christmas shopping is done since no one can think of anything they actually need or want that doesn't poop or eat.

Lo Linds and dogs Christmas 2009

{Christmas 2009}

Do you have a long shopping list?

We stopped exchanging gifts between adults a few years ago. It has been a lot less stress for me and I feel as I can do more for charity this way.

I enjoy Christmas much more when I don’t feel pressured to purchase or please.  {I hope you don’t feel pressured either.}

Have a fantabulous Tuesday peeps!


  1. Geez, shorts on Christmas, what planet are YOU from? ;^)

  2. We don't make a big deal about Christmas gifts either.. We buy a few small gifts to put under the tree--but that is all. Years ago (in my first life--when the kids were little) we spent WAY too much money on Christmas and then paid for it the entire next year... HORRIBLE.... Finally, I got wise and decided to celebrate Christmas the way Christ wants us to... NO STRESS/ NO pressures/ No debt----just joy and fun!!!!!!

    I do love Christmas --and love to decorate.. But there are so many ways to enjoy it without spending tons of money.... Yeah!!!!


  3. i love your "nothing alive" rule!! and i'm glad you are enjoying this season more :) the rush-rush can drag you right down into the dirt!!!

  4. Silly Putty is always a nice gift!!!

  5. I haven't gone yet. I should : ) I should do a lot of things. I am going to get my mom a book reader I think. I am a little nervous since technology scares her but I have heard so many good things about it.

    You know what else I have heard good things about? You. And the ant farm you are getting for Christmas for Linds and Lo.

  6. Too funny! We are the same way, except for the fact that we are still looking for another doggie - so that may be the only alive thing we will get the kids this year. But nothing smaller than a dog. For reals.

    This will be a small Christmas year for us, as well. Jeesh, isn't the house a big enough present as is?! :)

  7. Vol Fan is all stressed out about purchasing gifts. I don't really understand his stress. He hasn't shopped for anyone but me for years and years and years.

  8. Not getting caught up in the buying game really does relieve a lot of stress doesn't it? I like your "nothing alive" rule. Having tight finances means a very short shopping list, which mean very little shopping, which means a very happy Mom! :) Happy Tuesday!

  9. We don't have a lot of kids in our families, so we buy for all the kids, and then draw names for the adults.

  10. You're 'Nothing alive' rule is a great one -- stick to it.
    Most of our gifts will be for the grandkids, although I do try to find a surprise to put under the tree for my Beautiful Bride.

  11. Wow, they're persistent little stinks!

    We cut out the gift exchange some years ago as well. All we do is a silly white elephant thing, and that is so much fun!

  12. Nothing alive sounds like my mantra. Ive told the girls that whatever animal passes away will not be replaced by another.(Does that sound horribly mean?) It's like the funny farm here already... Now if I could convince my hubby to get me some chickens though....
    We're not doing any presents with the adults either, mainly because all our gifts would have to be mailed. So it's just gifts for us and a few friends of our girls. Shopping is done!

  13. LOL at Gary's comment up there.

    Sounds like you've got it just about right Suz, except for the nothing alive thing.... let me know how that works out for you.

  14. We draw names among the adults which does help cut down on stress (and costs!)

  15. Nothing alive? but! but! but chickens are sooo cuuute...

    OK fine, you can have photos instead :)

    We're doing a gift exchange on one side of the family, which is super cool, and between hubby and I we agreed on ONE gift each along with a full stocking, which is always great fun.

    The rest will be cookies! :0)

  16. My adult friends and I are doing the same thing - - - giving to "causes" in honor of each other. We have all we need to begin with and this helps places like orphanages, ministries, and libraries. Plus as you said, it reduces stress because celebrating our Lord's birth should be a joyful, relaxed occasion!

  17. Since we're BFF's cause you said my hair was perfect...(No Humidity helps!!)
    I'm done with most of my shopping. I did a lot on much easier! I do give a lot to charity...mostly families at my school.
    Hope no one brings you something alive!!

  18. haha, I love your Christmas rule. I could see my dad saying the same thing as you.

    I don't stress myself out about Christmas at all anymore. Last two years, I couldn't get everyone the gifts I wanted to and hey, no one died! Or was sad! So now I am very chill about it. I also don't need any presents, it's nice to just enjoy the season.

  19. My MIL is very into Christmas, so she is probably my toughest purchase--she has everything, but she still wants something--so it's tough. She loves to give as much as she loves to receive though!

  20. ...we do the same. We just give to the adults we don't need anything. Your narration cracked me up...No. Nothing alive. I have said that before!

  21. Heck, you can't even give coal for Christmas anymore as it may hurt the environment!

  22. You and I are on the same page, Sister. Everytime something dies in my house, I beg Fred not to replace it. I wouldn't mind animals but no one else seems to take care of them but me.
    Thanks for finding me through Jason and for the nice compliments.
    Your New Friend, m.

  23. We don't make a big fuss about gifts for the grown ups either. But it is sort of sad when there isn't something exciting to open. But I am certainly with you on the "nothing alive" part. One cat is plenty for me. I wouldn't want to feed and clean up after anything else.

  24. Oh I am feeling the pressure!! My girls have not created their Christmas lists...yet. Oh, but they will! (no living things in this house either 1 dog, 1 cat enough already)

  25. My husband and I do not exchange gifts either, except for the silly stocking stuffers. I demand lists from my son, his wife, and my daughter. I demand a LONG list, so I can pick and they won't know exactly what they are getting. And there are always the few "perfect for you" things I pick up during the year.

    The best thing I ever did was insist that we stop gift exchange with our brothers and sisters.

  26. So what?? Your taking December off? HA!
    You did great posting everyday for the month of Nov.
    Happy December 1st!

  27. what a nice pic of the kids, all 4 of 'em... oh how i love your dogs... you will get very sick of me begging you for them... :P

    yeah, i agree, no mo critters... i dont even know if we will have a christmas this year, i'll explain in my next post...

  28. Same here. Anything that can move or needs care is not allowed. I hope they come up with something else soon.

  29. Beautiful photo!

    We started the no purchasing for adults a few years ago, but someone went and messed it up last year by buying anyway. Then we all felt guilty! I am done purchasing the kids, I just need to figure out what is going on with us adults this year. It should be a hard set only for the kiddos. I find more enjoyment watching my girls open their gifts than me opening my own.

  30. Great photo of your girls with those precious boxers of yours! Scout would love to play w/ them and show them how to roll around in the snow! I've been slowly getting family members to opt out of the adult gift exchange - more fun to buy for kids anyways! What I've been doing for all mine and Greg's sibling families is making them homemade treats such as my famous sourcream banana bread.

  31. Hubster and I haven't gotten Christmas gifts for each other in years (unless it's a "little something" that the other one saw and just "had to get"...)
    But you're right... it takes the stress off, leaves more money for the kids, donating to charity, church projects, etc.

    Christmas shouldn't be stressful and it's a shame when it is...


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