
November 02, 2010

Kiss My Pierogi


Do you know what a pierogi is?

It is a doughy ball of yumminess.

We have been enjoying them filled with cheese and ‘taters.

They are a staple of the anti-Atkins diet.

They are the king of the dumpling family; sinfully good.


You pronounce it: per-o-gee.

I will use it in a sentence:

My derriere is now resembling a pierogi.

Since this turn of events, I now tell those who need to be told:

Kiss my pierogi.

Is that inappropriate of me? nah





Image borrowed from this lovely website showing lots of peirogi flavors to entice and enjoy.


  1. I LOVE pierogis.

    I'd love to try and figure out how to make them. YUM.

  2. What a cute post Suzanne.

    My brother just loves these!

  3. Although I shall not kiss yours...I would very much like to come to dinner...they are yum, yum, yummy!

  4. Mmmmmm, and then they can kiss my kit kat ;)

  5. LOL...don't laugh at me but I have never even heard of these. :) I am going to google them when I'm done here...if you say they are delicious then they must be...might have to learn how to make these. :)

  6. I have never had one for some reason. But the look delicious!

  7. Oh yes...we enjoy them with sour cream and a side of bacon! So not healthy!

  8. They sound really good! I checked out the site and laughed when I read this comment from Nick from Florida:
    "It is so hot down here I hate eating hot food during the summer…so we ordered some BlueBerry and Apple flavor, I fried them then I let them cool down. I put some heavy cream on them and I swear it was the best dinner we had in months. I am going to order them for every holiday!"
    Hmmmm...fried & with heavy cram for dinner? LOL!

  9. Pirogies with sour of earth's great delights. God bless the dumpling in all its forms. :)

    And now I'm really hungry!

  10. The Polish really know there way around a carb! Pierogis are too delicious.

  11. You fill them yourself? I thought they came that way. What do I know?

  12. Yum! I've never had one, but they sound heavenly! :)

  13. with all my anti-carb dieting and going to the gym for grueling workouts, you should not have a pierogi shaped arsh!! but i still do!! i think it is perma shaped!!

  14. Oh yeah!! They are wonderful!!

  15. Is this a southern thang?
    Never heard of them. OXXO

  16. Ha, Suz..... I've never heard of these---and probably do NOT need to know about them... My derriere already is big enough --without adding the Pierogi.... ha


  17. Suz, i love these too! we had them with potatoes and ham and cheese. also potatoes like you said. sometimes i even deep fry them! ooooohh, so not healthy. but oh so yummy! and very easy to make!

  18. yep, you've got to have the crumbled bacon and sour cream with them and a little sprinkle of green onions on top.
    and don't just boil 'em, you have to lightly brown in a pan with oil as well.
    enjoy ;-)

  19. Funny lady! I have never had one but looks like something I would like...

  20. Do you buy them, or make them (perogis)? They sound full of doughy goodness, perfect for fall weather.

  21. I have never eaten one. I think I should:)

  22. Oooo i love them!

    I get multi-packs (4 different flavors in one bag, you pick what you're in the mood for such as cheese and onion, cheddar and bacon, etc) - love them boiled then fried in butter with caramelized onions and sour cream on the side...


  23. I haven't had the pleasure of tasting a pierogi, but I would certainly like to have the opportunity.

  24. we love pierogis.... yes the tator and the cheese ones... we pan fry them slowly in butter so as not to add any extra calories.... mmmnnnnmmm good..

  25. never heard of them but they sound delish. Full of calories though I bet sadly

  26. I have never tried them, but if it is anything to do with anti-atkins, I know I will love it!

  27. Pardon me if I don't kiss it, but I may try a pierogi. I've never even heard of them. Boy, am I out of the cool-stream.


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