The place I like to visit the least is the gross store. I mean the grocery store.
Sometimes I wonder if I could live on tomatoes and peppers from the garden only.
But I also love cheese with my peppers and tomatoes and salad and potatoes and and and and and and and and….
I love cheese so much, there should be a warning sign in the dairy department with my photo on it.
Then I think….hey, Suz, you are clever and hardworking, why don't you learn how to make cheese?
Then I think to mySUZself you have to get a cow to make cheese.
Cows are SO cute…the big eyes….the long eyelashes…such gentle souls and I'd name my cow veronica. No, Elsie. Elsie it is!
She would have a nice little sheltered home next to my garden.
Heated in the winter, fans in the summer of course.
I'd wake up everyday and milk Elsie to make my cheese to accompany my tomatoes and peppers and salad and and and and….
Of course, after all that milking, then I would feel complete udder empathy for Elsie.
Poor Elsie's udders.
I might just give up cheese. You know….for udders sake.
The moral of this story is that I can likely just live on produce from the garden.
And maybe some imported cheese on occasion?
Oh, I am udderly rotten.