
April 16, 2014

And that's kinda how I felt

Our family timeline:

Coach got sick
Suz got sick
Coach got better
Suz still sick
Coach got sick again
Linds got sick
Suz still sick
Coach got sicker
Lo got sick
Lo got better
Linds is on the upswing

Suz and Coach are still coughing like maniacs.
Linds is getting better
No, Ozzie isn't 'crossing over', he's just disgusted with all of our coughing. 

Lolo thinks we're all sissies because her sickness lasted approx 12 hours. 
Apparently she's a 'speed reader healer'. 

{The Coach & I have upper respiratory infections, Linds was diagnosed with the flu and Lolo perhaps had a bad enchilada?}

Hows your health?


  1. We are doing as good as can be expected for two persons in their sixth decade of life. I so hate you all have had to deal with that sickness. Bill caught it after I did. Does your stomach feel like you did at least 100 sit-ups at once? My muscles under my rib cage were sooooo sore for a couple of days. Lolo is very, very, very fortunate the virus didn't get her in its grip, too. You all deserve a treat somewhere once everyone gets healed!

  2. No offense, but I don't think I"ll be coming to visit any time soon ;-) I hope you ALL feel better!

  3. We feel incredibly lucky to not have been sick with colds or flu bugs this winter nor so far this spring. I guess it's probably because we just don't come into contact with many people living out here in the sticks of Virginia. Sorry you and your household have been battling this crud and hope you are ALL back on your feet soon enjoying some sunshine... xox

  4. lol..that photo, priceless...we are well but christian is sick...caught it from his girlfriend..ewww

  5. Well that all sounds "pleasant"...NOT! I'm sorry y'all can't seem to shake the creeping crud. : (

  6. Oh no, that sounds awful... Sorry the crud is hanging on for dear life and won't leave your house.

  7. i don't think there is such a thing as a bad enchilada!!! i hope you will all be in A+ health very soon!!!! {will linds be able to dance thurs nite?!}

  8. So sorry about all the sickness. Hope you all feel better and have a happy Easter.

  9. Funniest Oz picture ever! I hope everyone is feeling better soon. XO

  10. glad i'm not in your household! just allergies for me, thanks.

  11. For the first time in many years, both my husband and I got a GI virus (the Norovirus). It didn't linger too long and I washed all the clothes and linen and scrubbed everything we touched with bleach. Hope all of you are better soon.

  12. I'm sorry to hear that the crud is sticking around your house so long. I hope it soon departs for good. The picture of Ozzie is priceless.

  13. Bless your hearts... I hope you had the 'maid' totally de-germ your home!!!!! ha.... You must have passed your 'bug' on to us... George and I NEVER get sick --but both of us are suffering this week. Think our problems are mostly allergies ---but they still make us feel pretty lousy at times...

    Take care of YOU ---and that precious family.

  14. well I'm fine, thanks. But we did have the 100 day cough in the Okanagan - people were dropping like flys. My 100 day cough thankfully only lasted for 82 days. Rum and Neocitran is what I used - its not a cure but you won't care that you're sick - and every time you walk by the couch, stop and lay down on it. Feel better soon Suz.

  15. Ugh! So sorry everyone has been sick! Hope you feel better soon!

  16. Awwww, sweetie. I hope you feel better soon.

    All of you.

    Even that bad seed (rapid healing) one!

  17. Had my bad spell at Christmas. Oh it was just lovely! (cough, cough) I really hope you feel better soon. I know it's miserable.
    Get lots of rest, and take that medicine! Don't forget a hot bath with epsom salts. Draws all that crap out of your system!

  18. UGH! I hope this passes SOON. You've all had more than your share of the crud.

  19. Yikes. Sick is bad. Too many sick at the same time is much worse.... Hoping you all get better quick.

  20. Ohhh, I hope you are feeling better by now.
    Oz looks like he is turning into a zombie!! Just kidding...he is one funny pup that boy :)

  21. YUCK!!! Love the picture of Ozzie, though! He does look pretty disgusted! Hope everybody gets better soon!

  22. Oh no! Hope you are all on the mend now! This house seems to have caught everything this winter. The winter I have dubbed the longest winter eva!! Hugs to you!


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