
September 23, 2013

A Romantic Getaway at The Circus

Perhaps not the actual circus.

The coach swept me off my feet for a few days; we ventured a few hours away to Sarasota.
He booked a snazzy hotel for us and we explored the sights. 

Our first stop:
The John and Mable Ringling museum of art....and the circus museum. 

John Ringling lived a very interesting life....and not just that of a circus Mogul. 
Below is a few photos from a huge display of "Largest Miniature Circus In The World"
Totally cool, totally miniature. 
 Being around all this circus stuff reminded me of my childhood days; when the circus train stopped in West Palm Beach every year, it was a big deal. My Brother and I loved it. My Mom would make sure we were able to watch all the animals and performers traipse through town to the Auditorium. 

Then I remembered that Mark loved the circus so much, he created one in our back yard with ME being the center ring. 

 I'm just thrilled that Mark wasn't able to get a hold of one of these canons...Or I'd be typing this post from the comfort of my wheel chair. 
More to come... 
Are you on the edge of your canon?

When we got home the kids asked if we had fun.
My response:
 I'm pregnant!!!




  1. My brother would have enjoyed shooting me out of a cannon, too!
    You and coach are a wild and crazy couple but not as wild as John and me!!!

  2. So you think you had a wild time?? I need help...I had to get Mildred off the table at the Mex. restaurant as she was dancing to the Mariachi band!!! All she had was water with lemon!!! Your weekend sounds fun. I'm familiar w/ Sarasota - my parents lived in Venice. I used to eat at the Amish restaurant each time I visited. I don't remember exactly where it was but my brother and I found a great oyster bar on one of the islands. Johm

    1. That Mildred....she needs to chill out. :) We had a lot of great meals; none of them Amish or Oyster related though. Maybe next time??

  3. OMG... If I were pregnant I would totally shoot myself out of that cannon!!

  4. You crack me up... :-)

  5. Sounds like you had a nice time...pregnancy aside. Ha. "Congrats". LOL I love museums, especially quirky ones, and it sounds like an interesting trip. : )

  6. He He now I am imagining 20 clowns ( one pregnant) jumping out of a little tiny car !

  7. That sounds like a very fun time! And what did the kids say?

  8. what a buzy weekend!! circus and homecoming?!?! i have never been to that museum... can you believe it?! you know i love the circus!!!! and it makes me smile that it brought up memories of your brother. and the backyard circus! xo

  9. We used to vacation on Long Boat Key and every year we went to the circus museum and loved it.

  10. Oh, how I bet the girls loved that response! Then your house really would be a circus. Trust me, I know!

  11. The Ringling is so cool. I love Sarasota. Yoders is the Amish restaurant. PIE!!

  12. The largest miniature circus? Interesting!!
    Glad you had aside :)

  13. Your Coach really knows how to keep things fresh and hopping - romantic getaways are a fabulous way to tend to that love connection. Pregnant? Congratulations! Can I be a godmother to the bebe? Please? ;)

  14. When that other commenter said she imagined 20 clowns jumping out of a little tiny car," the little tiny car part was not what I thought she was going to say.

    Oy. I have clearly watched one too many episodes of 19 Kids and Counting.

  15. The luxury to wonder a town just the two of you--welcome to the empty nest. It's not all bad. That is a very cool exhibit.


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