
July 22, 2013

The sweetest love story you'll read this talk of an exorcism.

Happy Monday Ya'll.
We've just wrapped up another busy weekend.

While at my Uncle's wedding last month Linds had a very serious question for me.
Linds: "Who pays the church minister?"
Me:     "The members pay him when they tithe, sometimes they even provide housing."
"Wow, I bet Ministers don't make very much money. 
But I guess they could make extra by performing exorcisms."

Me:      "yep, I wonder if he can fit one in today?"

And speaking of my Uncle's wedding, there was a really nice article in their local paper. I thought you might enjoy it as well...a sweet story with a happy ending.

A lot of my long time readers will remember when I was losing my Grandma a few years ago; Joani was such a huge help; she was there helping my Grandma daily and keeping his spirits up too.
It warms my heart to know HE is loved and not lonely.
So, did that fill your insides with sweet little butterflies?
Yes? Well, be prepared, cause you might poop out caterpillars later today.

Oh, and Linds and I had a little chuckle during their ceremony when we found out that Joani's late mom's name was Helen.
Her married name was Kellar.
yeah, because that's what makes us chuckle.

So, what do you call this: Fate? Serendipity? Luck? Awesome-sauce?


  1. That IS so sweet!!

    And on a related funny name note, we knew someone named Joyce that married a guy with the last name Joyce. She was Joyce Joyce.

    Also, my friend's name is Sarah and she married a guy with the last name Crout. Sarah Crout. But he changed his last name before they got married so she wouldn't have to be a German sidedish. Now that's true love!

  2. Awwwhhhhh - - - it truly is precious! I read the article and when I read their ages - - and that they waited six months after the proposal to get married, my thought was, "Don't waste another minute. Life is too short as it is." It is nice they have been friends first and have weathered some life together already so it should make the marriage even sweeter.

  3. That is such a sweet story! Wishing them lots of happiness!!

  4. That is beyond total sweetness! True love beyond the years... Love love love! : )

  5. That's kinda like being Jennifer Lopez...sigh...sweet story! I love love!

  6. Awwww.

    Now I feel all mushy inside.



    Never mind.

    That's just fat.

  7. Thank you for sharing this beautiful love story with us. I trust you didn't find it necessary to have an exorcism.

  8. Almost as funny as my parents naming my little brother 'Harry' instead of The Boss Man :)

  9. I think I'll go with Awesome-sauce! What a great story. On a side note, me and one of the kiddos was talking about exorcisms...why, I can't remember....unless I was planning on doing one.

  10. Ah----wonderful story of two people in love... Love in late life is the most special of all. I KNOW.....

    Congrats to both of them...


  11. Read the sweet :)
    As for Helen silly!

  12. I grew up Lutheran and the pastor of the church was paid monthly by the congregation, probably partially out of the Sunday collection plate that was passed around. It was however, I believe, accepted practice to be paid by the bride and groom, or whoever was paying for the wedding, to slip him a fee for his marrying them. Greedy bastage! LOL

  13. What an uplifting post. But at their ages, why the heck did it take him FIVE years to pop the question? Awesome-sause for sure.

  14. OMG, I just realized that I forgot to tell you how much I love your new profile picture!! So cute =)

  15. you have been hiding this bowling gene from me!!!! how fun that their story was in the paper!!!! i'm so glad you could make it to two weddings that day :)

  16. That was a sweet story indeed.

    I must say that the bride seems to have aged quite well--it must be all the moisture in the Florida air!


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