Usually I am just cheeky, but it's Friday.
Way back in 2003, we added a pool and an addition to our home. Some people would say we added a pool and a 'home' to our home, but I don't like those people. haters.
Coach had the bright idea to put a chickee hut on our adds to the feel and flavor of our tropical home. And by tropical, I mean HOT with a lot of bugs.
Oh, again, with the bugs Suz?
Oh, again, with the bugs Suz?
The original men who put in the chickee hut were Native Americans. I had their card way back when...and somehow I lost it. The guy's name was Running Bear, Flying Eagle, or something cool like that. I am NOT being funny right now.
I have been searching for Running Bear/Flying Eagle for over a year. {FYI: he is not on facebook.}
Anyhoo, this chickee has survived a few hurricanes and lots and lots of sun, wind and rain. It needed a bit of refurbishing.
And I finally found someone to refurbish it a few weeks ago....amazing....the people you can 'meet' at a traffic intersection. oh.yes.I.did.
So my new friends showed up this week...and over two days they took down all the old fronds and put up new ones.
Out with the old.
I was worried about him falling...I failed to ask about insurance.
These guys were really nice...didn't speak a LOT of english, but were very polite. One of them said to me as he was waving towards our house: "You have very very grande big home"
I said as I made a sad face,
"I am just the cleaning lady, you should meet the people who live here; horrible!!!"
The dogs were enthralled with the new palm fronds in waiting.
Do you know why this is a chickee hut as opposed to a tiki hut???
The answer is obvious.
I can see clearly now
The answer is obvious.
I can see clearly now
Tiki huts are polynesian.
Chickee huts were designed by know the REAL Natives of our country.
And since we live in Florida...very close to the Seminole and the Miccosukee tribes...we'll go with Chickee.
Plus, my Great Grandmother was from the Algonquian tribe.
Plus, my Great Grandmother was from the Algonquian tribe.
If you caught that, my Great Grandmother was from the same tribe as Pocahontas. You remember her? That young girl who supposedly spared John Smith from death. Well, you can rent the movie if you don't know it already, surely it is on netflix.
I'm sure you are wondering right now: "Why isn't Suz tanner?"
I'm sure you are wondering right now: "Why isn't Suz tanner?"
All this indian talk makes me want to open a casino. Or visit one.
It is done and lovely. Bring on the hurricanes.
Ok, mother nature, I was just kidding about that.
Ok, mother nature, I was just kidding about that.
Not so sure about the RED cap. I questioned the color...and my friend said, "This is how we do it at the Big Cypress Reservation." I don't think I can argue with that answer, 'cause I really don't know what that means.
And on the greener about these babies??
Did you know Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks?
Is it too soon to start peeling my potatoes?
Happy Veterans Day...and a big shout out to my Cuz Chris who is serving another tour of duty in Afghanistan. Prayers for him and all those who serve to safely return home.
Have a beautiful weekend!

Everything looks beautiful! I see the dogs and the cat approve!
ReplyDeleteGod bless Chris!
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Are those green tomatoes? YUM! Fry them up!
ReplyDeleteI love your chickee hut!! What a great addition to your pool area. Glad the guy didn't fall off... :-)
ReplyDeleteI have always wanted one of those to put by my imaginary pool. Weird but palm fronds are hard to find in TN!
ReplyDeleteI like your construction project! It's more fun than ours. I would be wondering about the insurance, too, with them climbing around like that. I see men working on roofs - - - steep ones in this area - - - - never a safety harness in sight. Guess they don't know it only takes one fumble with your feet to have your life change forever. But men can't be told - - - they need to experience a mistake before they will take advice.
ReplyDeleteYour sunshine looks lovely. We have sunshine today - - -shining on all the leaves that need to be cleared off the yard!!!
I'm pretty sure that a chickee hut is the opposite of a man-cave. I could look that up but I'm growing border with the idea the more that I type.
ReplyDeleteIs your N.A. name "Little Blue-eyed Tree hugger"? If not, you should totally go with that. And while you're at it, I'm pretty sure that you'd qualify to open a casino in your house now. Tax free!
You're welcome!
Your Friend, m.
Oh ho! And here is me thinking that CHICKEE hut will be explained by a photo of you underneath! Chick, you know, like gal? *crickets*
ReplyDeleteI got it....when the cool green fronds eventually turn a weathered brown, anyone above your house like airplane pilots or hang gliders or even indians smoking a pipe, can look down and see a boob....
ReplyDeleteAnd I bet your great gram hung out with a relative of Pocahontas and frolicked on that same plot of earth you now inhabit, knowing you'd be there someday and would put up a green Chickee-boobie thing.
Maders? I'm jealous. Eat one for me. Fried or not.
I love it!
ReplyDeleteRepeat to yourself the following: I will NEVER let anyone work on or around my house without making sure they are insured.
Have a great weekend with your new chickee.
I hadn't heard of a chickee hut before. Visiting you is so educational. I'm glad you met those guys at the intersection (surely there is a story behind that?). It looks as if you will have fresh home-grown tomatoes with your Thanksgiving feast.
ReplyDeleteHi Suz, I learned something today from you... Have never heard of a Chickee Hut ---and found it interesting that it's an Indian thing as opposed to a Tiki Hug (by the Polynesians)...
ReplyDeleteThat is AWESOME.... Thanks so much for sharing...You truly are blessed with your gorgeous home.
I am going to sooo enjoy myself one day sitting by your pool under that chickee, drinking...margaritas? wine? Martinis?
ReplyDeleteI love that hut! I would also have wondered about the fuchsia cap, but no, we cannot question the native traditions.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Mexican restaurant in Palm Springs has one of those in the outdoor bar/restaurant area. I always thought it was called a "palapa." Time to get out the google.
Happy weekend to you!
You have a true oasis there, Suz. You can vacation year round right on your own property. It's lovely!
ReplyDeleteAnd red is the new black. And my favorite color. I like the red top.
PS I read some nasty stuff about Pocahontas on the restroom wall at might want to keep any affiliation with her on the DL....just sayin'. :)
That looks just fantastic. I feel as if you live in a Florida resort (with weird leaf bugs). Now wouldn't it be funny if they were messing with you and put that cap up there because they were stuck with it and just wanted to get rid of it and totally pulled the wool over your eyes? You're not laughing, are you? In actuality, it looks just fine and kind perky!
ReplyDeleteYour chickee hut looks lovely and inviting. Isn't family heritage fun and interesting? What a great way to connect with your roots!
ReplyDeleteYour comment about potatoes reminds me of waking up with my grandma at 4 am to start boiling and peeling potatoes. We didn't NEED to start that early, but grandma would worry about them and get up, so I would too.
Prayers for Chris and his unit.
Our neighbors have these in their backyard. It was cool watching yours go through a refurb! That is really a specialized talent.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to worry you but I think you're behind. I peeled my potatoes last week!
Love the new look!
ReplyDeleteCH got his job by talking to someone during a traffic jam due to a wreck! You never know!
You need your own home improvement show. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea!! Look at all the lovely things you have to deal with in Florida. I spent my Sunday cursing the falling leaves, windchill and shopping for snow boots:) Jealous??
ReplyDeleteWOW! I like the red cap, and if that's how they do it at the Big Cyprus Reservation, that's good enough for me. ;)
ReplyDeleteOh it turned out beautifully! I bet you so enjoy sitting out under it!
ReplyDeleteI had no idea... The things you learn on the web. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Chickee-Dee.
i shoulda looked out back... i wanted to see the new & improved chickee! but i guess it was already dark... next time. can you please keep the palms green til i get there?!