
December 31, 2009

Oh the things these green eyes have seen…

Yesterday, I saw the strangest thing… so far this year. But I have one day left to top it.

And I say strange considering I had an encounter with the Butterfly Hair lady this summer. Remember Her?

I shall never forget you, my insect- in- the- hair- wearing- friend.

butterfly hair

And then over the summer there was the elderly man at the pier with the shiny silver lame’ Capri's,  a tube top and sweet little kitten heels. 


No picture of my daring yet fashion forward friend, sorry. But picture it in your head…now try to get it out!!!!


This weird sighting happened yesterday, in Super Walmart.  (I know, shocker)

I saw a grown man…..and he was……he was…


he was……HE WAS….


smelling cat litter.



He was opening different containers and COMPARING CAT LITTER SMELLS!!!

Who does this?

It is not shampoo…it is not perfume. 

He saw me… seeing him. I could not look away.

I could not contain the shock on my face.

I then stayed farrr away from him, for fear he could smell that I had 3 cats at home.

When I got home, I scooped the cat boxes.

I held my breath the entire time.

I refuse to smell the poop or the litter.

I have a feeling all those weird smelling issues…well, they start at home. right?

Goodbye 2009 and Welcome 2010.

2010, I don’t know what you have planned for us..but please, be merciful. Please.

What is the weirdest thing you have seen this year?

May 2010 bring only good into your life.

and not weirdness.


  1. butterfly hair lady makes me laugh too..but kitty little smeller? Oh my.

    See how much fun the world around us is! haha.

    Happy New Year Suz.

  2. HA HA HA HA!!!!! I remember butterfly lady!!!

    Weirdest thing I ever saw....

    Was EVERYONE at the flea market I went to a few weeks ago!!! As we were walking past a group of people we over heard one lady say (in the most southern hick accent) "The whole second floor was rehab. yep the WHOLE second floor was rehab!" It had My dad, my brother and me all rubber knecking! :)

    Happy New year my friend!!!

  3. sniffing cat litter? that's a new hobby for sure. I think seeing someone driving the wrong way down a motorway was the scariest if not the weirdest!!

  4. I parked my car yesterday next to a gay bar in Hillcrest--I saw a lot of strange things!

  5. Just going to Walmart is a weird experience! Happy New Year, Suz!

  6. Happy New Year Suz! I'm glad I found your blog. It's quite fun! And thank you for following mine, too. I appreciate you! I'm not even starting on weird things sited! But you enjoy yours!

  7. Th weirdest thing I've seen this year was watching that bottle of wine fall out of the RIPPED PLASTIC BAG fro Walmart and the subsequent shatter. But it was not weird at all how you totally CAUGHT me in the act of destroying our Earth. I'm sorry.

    I do have reusable bags. I just don't always remember to reuse them.

    BUT I haven't bought bottled water this entire year thanks to you!

  8. I would smell cat litter. I smell just about everything because the wrong smell can give me a headache or kick up my asthma. So yeah... it's weird... but I get it. Maybe you can take a pic of ME at The Walmart sometime! : )

  9. I say the guy behind door number two gets the prize for weirdest!

    Believe it or not, there are kitty litters out there with toxic chemicals in them. If you have a covered cat box and the dangerous litter in it...put your nose in the covered cat box and you'll find out what he was probably sniffing for. If you don't know what the safe brands are, your nose is the only thing that can help you.

    I know, I just pissed all over the humor, didn't I? I didn't mean to. Remember, we rescue I know some stuff. ;)

    Did you make three decisions today? I'm waiting to hear how it worked out for you. I bet there's a blog post in it!

    Happy New Year, Suz!!! You're a riot!

  10. weirdest thing, I am sorry to say, was the 3 duck hunters with guns walking into my back yard and shooting...and then coming back 4 days later and doing it again (despite getting license plate numbers, the sheriff hasn't arrested anybody) so here is for a more peaceful new year :)

  11. Driving down I-5 a girl was eating a bowl of cereal....riving with her legs at 75 MPH.....that and the guy shaving while driving I-5....I've spent too much time on the road this year....but by far the funniest thing was waiting for the start of the Seattle Rock N Roll Marathon- 16,000 people and 20 port-o-potties....when people tried to use the "VIP" port-o-potties we were told we couldn' we asked where to go and we were told......"there are a lot of bushes over there!" So a 100 or so of us ran into a business park and picked a tree or a bush....but one dude did not and he just ran off the side of the road at the start of the run and peed Tour de France that was funny.

    Happy New Year's 2010!

  12. You know that this has been a year for weird sightings, but being in China is cheating a bit.

    So many weird things, I can't even choose one! They've all swirled together into a big ball of crazy. I love this ball.

    Happy New Year!!!

  13. Just today I saw a Pepto Bismol Pink car - not the Mary Kay pink! That was pretty weird but butterfly lady still cracks me up!

    Wishing you a wonderful new year. May God bless.

  14. I can't even begin to compete with this as far as weirdness is concerned. I can't help but wonder, however, if you are unusually observant or just a weirdness magnet! In either case, have a weirdly wonderful 2010!

  15. Oh Baby----Come to the hills of Tennessee and go to the WallyMart Store here... They come in the truckloads out of the mountains --and it's no telling what you will see!!!! Yipes!!!!

    BUT--I think the thing which bothers me most is seeing grown women (and not even younger women) wearing those colorful little pajama pants OUT in public.. GADS---that is just horrible to me! (Guess I'm showing my age now for sure!!!)

    Happy New Year.

  16. LOL! Some people have OCD on all kinds of levels... mmm cat litter MUST smell of lavender! :-D

    Wishing you and your family a most awesome 2010, so happy to know you - your daily blog comments are like little sunshines, straight from florida!

  17. I guess the weirdest thing I saw this year was all the roosters and chickens on Kauai. I didn't know about them before hand.
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year.
    You are one funny lady and I really enjoy reading your blog, glad I found you. Here's to a great 2010! Cheers

  18. i seriously think you SEEk the weirdness! but i am always thankful you shre!! yesterday i thought of you... i was at seaworld (so of course i thought of you, in fact it was like you were with me the whole time!) and i could hardly stop staring... at a lady's hair. her bangs. straight, then curled up on the ends. you remember the look right? well, she has apparently been living it all this time... yikes!

  19. Oh. My. Goodness. Can not get the elderly man with kitten heels out of my head. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!

    Happy New Year Suz. Hope your year is full of all things wonderful. And butterflies for your hair! : )

  20. LOL
    "He saw me seeing him"
    I would not have been able to look away either:)

  21. Happy New Year Suz!
    Wishing you a weird 2010--the good kind. :D

  22. Happy New Year! hmmm--weirdest--at the state fair this year--this "lovely" lady had two dolphin tats "jumping" out of her clevage!! Oh yes!! classy, classy!!


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