Can you believe that our little Lindsay started her senior year of high school? I say "our" because a lot of you have been reading my blog since she was knee-high to a grasshopper.
Ok, I'm exaggerating. They don't make grasshoppers that big.
This was her when I started blogging almost 5 years ago:
I'm just kidding, that was her in 2002. She will hate this picture; we were at Sea World waiting for her sister to get off that water ride behind us. As she stood next to the railing one of her teeth fell out and disappeared into the mulch. Just like freaking magic. It was so funny and bizarre!
Last first day of high school~~August 19th, 2013
She should thank me, I gave up 14 years of vitamins to pay for her braces.
I'm sad that this is her last year of free school. But I'm happy for her....Her future is so bright, she has to hold up deuces a peace sign.
Also this week Lolo started her third year of college.
Didn't she just graduate last week?
She is staying at home and commuting because she doesn't want me to miss her.
Truthfully, we've made things so nice here...she doesn't want to leave. Ever.
Her books for her Tuesday classes:
Do you see the book on the top?
Gunfighter nation, Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth Century America.
It is a class that studies Western Movies.
And guess what else.
Her professor is from the middle East. How cool is that?
Middle East and Western Cinema. This is why I love our country so much!
And guess what else.
Her professor is from the middle East. How cool is that?
Middle East and Western Cinema. This is why I love our country so much!
She needed an alternate class and this one fit into her time slot.
I saw the list of movies they are going to watch and discuss; I only recognized a few of them.
Most of them are from the 50's and we all know I was born in the 80's 70's.
Ok, the late. late. late 60's!
Time is flying and the times or a' changing!

you are such a great mama... to post that photo that she will hate! but I thank you for saying "our"... I love her like she could be... but don't come asking for braces money! I hope that one day lolo won't be so considerate about you missing her!!! I have already turned laura's room into a raft room. oops.
ReplyDeleteDawn, I'm thinking about a gift wrap room and perhaps a yoga studio.
DeleteIf only I liked yoga!
You have to feel a little bit sorry for Linds. Her last year and still she is not an only child. :)
ReplyDeleteI bet that will be an interesting class. That's so funny about her tooth.
ReplyDeleteyour daughter is beautiful. good luck for her final year of high school!
ReplyDeleteOH my, I missed a year somehow...seems like your older daughter just STARTed college, third year already! Your younger daughter looks so dang TALL, I think she ate all of YOUR vitamins this summer :)
ReplyDeleteThe only think I can say about daughters is that they grow up entirely too fast. Of course, yours grew up beautiful (as did mine).
ReplyDeleteShe's beautiful and I wish her a great Sr. year. I love all you pretty young ladies!
ReplyDeleteYour girl is just beautiful and that is HYSTERICAL about her tooth. You guys must have about died laughing when that happened. How did the tooth fairy handle that one?
ReplyDeleteLove that your older daughter is studying Western films. I can't imagine being given that choice when I was in school...back in the dark ages. GREAT post! xo Diana
I feel like I missed a year and have been reading since the first year of college - - but how did it get to the third year so fast? Both our daughters enjoyed living at home - - better expenses - - and meals cooked. As our younger daughter said, "I've gone to camp and mission trips with girls. I know what it's like to live with them. Plus, I need a quiet room for doing homework." It's great they love you so much. We are blessed they both live close by now - - but also enjoy our quiet house at night now!
ReplyDeleteWhat is Lolo's major? Or are the psychology classes because she's living at home? That's a joke you know.
I love Lindsay's toothless picture. Those are the cutest of most kids. She will have a wonderful year. She seems to enjoy every day of life from what I read on your posts. You three girls have a great relationship.
Hard to believe that your girls are all grown up.... What surprises me is that your older daughter is starting her third year of college... Time is flying....
ReplyDeleteYou can pat yourself on the back (you and Coach) since you have raised two remarkable young women...
In college, I took 'The History of Rock And Roll'. Thought it would be great - easy A, listening to music the whole time. Hardest class ever!!
ReplyDeleteLast year of high school already??? Hannah just started 10th grade and I'm having a hard time with that... Next year I'll have two high schoolers. :-(
ReplyDeleteAll I could think about when I saw the stack of books was "Abby-Normal" from that movie Young Frankensetin. : )
ReplyDeleteWesterns taught by a Middle Eastern professor is pretty wild. I'd love to hear his perspective on our John Wayne shoot-em-up culture.
ReplyDeleteYour girls have grown into beautiful and funny young women. Have I really been following your blog that long?! Amazing.
Oh, those first days of (free) school - I loved them so! Nowadays, it's mostly trying to stay out of the way while the guy (whose room has looked like a bomb went off in it since he arrived home in May) tries to fit all of that stuff back into his car for the ride back to university. Well, into his car and our car (we'll be driving in caravan-style). I do love to help him shop for clothes, and sometimes, he lets me. Oh, that is FUN!
ReplyDeleteIt looks as if your college junior might be majoring in criminal justice...
Cool tooth story! My daughter swallowed one of hers while playing soccer with her cousin. The ball hit her in the mouth and that was all she wrote.
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is so pretty. Enjoy that last year of high school!
So much fun to see everyone growing up and doing their thing. We are luck mamas.
ReplyDeleteYour kid is so freaking cute I can not even stand it. Seriously. I can't believe she is growing up so much. I am glad it is only happening to your kids and not to mine.
ReplyDeleteShe is beautiful.
The end of high school.
So astonishing on so many levels!
Your girls are so beautiful, Suz! Such a bittersweet moment--the baby starting her senior year! Time flies way too quickly.
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