
September 15, 2010

Oh my GREEN *and purple* goodness!


Don’t you just love it when you find a surprise? ME TOO.


After I shared my love for all things EGGPLANT on Purple Monday, I wondered just WHEN WAS MY EGGPLANT-PLANT GOING TO GIVE ME SOME EGGPLANTS?

Yes, I shouted this in the yard…and yes, my neighbors think I am mucho loco. And by ‘neighbors’ I mean the dogs who were following me around.

Well, lo and behold, I found some purple goodness growing!IMG_4031

And of course, I also found a bajillion weeds in the garden. Oy vay.

And now, file this under the MOST EXCITING NEWS EVER Category!

Seriously,  I am sure you will all be so excited to read this news flash that you will go out today and adopt 4 children from third world countries, donate an organ and recycle every scrap of paper for the rest of your life.

Remember when I was complaining about my honeybell orange tree never producing any oranges?  (after 8+ years!)  Apparently, our tree reads my blog and got off it’s lazy butt and made an effort!  Forizzle.

IMG_4039When I saw this I gasped SO loud that the neighbors all stopped what they were doing and ran to me to see if I was ok.

And by neighbors, I mean the dogs who were following me around the yard.   Mr and Mrs. Lazy McLaz-a-lots.


So, did you start your adoption applications yet?


  1. Something is wrong!! I can't see your blog text, all I can see is a 'thing' from photobucket, saying 'you've exceeded your bandwith' or something like that, and the photos. :( Maybe it's just my computer? I had to click on the comments so I could read the text.

  2. i can't read the post. the sight has pictures that read photo bucket all over it. i cannot make out the words!!

  3. I'm glad things are coming up roses ...err, eggplant and oranges... Maybe those boxers of your have become pollinators?

    I had a heck of a time reading through the photobucket background...

  4. Congratulations on the birth of your oranges : )

  5. Yay for eggplant! And oranges! Look at you go, Miss Gardener! I have no green thumb, but we've already discussed that. I just have children who follow me around . . . and they think I'm nuts too.

  6. I could read fine, but things are a little wonky with the sidebar. Good luck with that!

    Mmmm, eggplant!

  7. you are so cute... i love that you love everything around your home. yeah, and i think the goggies have a thing with some bees goin on... there is something sneaky about those goggies.... i can see it in ozzies eyes.

  8. now i can read!! don't know what is up with blogger, congrats on your new baby!! yay!! cute little green ball

  9. Those are some lovely looking eggplants.

  10. I'm so excited for you - how are you ever going to bring yourself to eat those beautiful green and purple babies? Please share some eggplant recipes - I LOVE it, but haven't succeeded in converting Gregg yet.
    I met a 3-year old boxer girl yesterday. She made me think of you & your boxers - sweet, energetic, affectionate and happy.

  11. Its a miracle!

    Do you think you could put

    "Brittany needs a man.. a hot-successful-child loving man"

    apparently the UNIVERSE reads your blog!

    Please and thank you!

  12. Yeah! Eggplant and oranges! You have quite the green thumb!

  13. oh mrs. green thumb... i am impressed :)

  14. Congratulations on both your eggplants and orange. Who would have thought that a blog post could have such a profound impact on plants?

  15. Well color me Pink! That is exciting. and so glad you fixed your blog too!

  16. Woot! Reading your blog and (finally) producing...those are some smart plants! : )

    Your puppy pics crack me up. They're so cute and sweet looking. : )

  17. Oh, that's MUCH better!! I can see it now. :)

    That orange looks adorable. What a pwetty widdle baby!

    My dad's been harvesting lots of eggplant this year, but since I HATE eggplant, I could care less. I'm glad you like 'em. Don't save any for me, though. ;-)

  18. Isn't it exciting when your plants have babies?! Sweet little eggplants and an honest to goodness orange. Congrats!! Glad your neighbors were there to join in your happiness. ;0)

  19. YaY for Oranges and Eggplant. Although I am not a fan of eggplant, but since you are I will be excited for you :) And I just love your boxers.... as far as my adoption apps, well.... 3 dogs is quite enough :)

  20. Oh My Gosh---- have you had any morning sickness??? Are you taking your pre-natal vitamins????? Have you had any heartburn yet?????

    And it looks like it's going to be triplets.... Two purple ones and an orange one... How wonderful!!!!!

    I'm happy for you ---and will be sure to come to the baby shower... Just let me know when.


  21. I could see the post fine and I am impressed with that egg plant!!

  22. I do remember you talking about that orange tree! Congratulations! Now be sure no one pulls it off and uses it as a ball!

  23. Wow, I don't know what's more impressive - the fact that the tree grew an orange, or that it reads your blog...

  24. Congratulations! on the orange. Nice lookin' eggplant. Bet it'll taste yummy.

  25. Hooray for home grown!! Before we left for CA, my cucumber plant had teeny tiny little cucumbers all over it...I hope the neighbors enjoyed them:)

  26. I have NEVER eaten an eggplant..
    What DO they taste like?!

  27. awww, those are the cutest eggplants ever!! i hope you make something yummy with them.

    p.s i love saying "oy vay" !!!!

  28. Our garden actually produced 2 eggplants so far. I made Egglant Parmigiani. Mmm. Very delicious.
    No oranges around here, though. Darn.

  29. That tree just needed some blog love. :)


  30. Holy COW... is that an orange??? on an orange tree, in FLORIDA??? Wonders will never cease!


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