Mine have always been bizarre; if you can believe that.
A few years ago {2007} I decided to start writing down my dreams in the morning before I forgot them.
I was pretty consistent on keeping this journal. Well if you call journaling them for 'several days a week for almost one entire month' consistent.
Yesterday, I pulled that baby out and added a dream from Saturday night.
Then I went back and re-read some of my old dreams. Then I laughed. And laughed. And laughed some more.
I shared them with the family.
The Coach said to the girls: "When you have children one day, don't share that journal with your kids...they will think your Mother is insane."
The Coach also mentioned something about using this journal for court documentation one day....whatever.
I did find that a lot of my dreams were about messiness; people being messy and me not being able to control their messes. Or clutter. Or me misplacing items, like clothes and cars. Or me being late. And not ready. I hate to be late and not ready. And of course, the reptiles; snakes, giant lizards, dolphins who turn into sharks etc. And every few days I have the 'hairy legs' dream; where the hair on my legs is so long....it's embarrassing.
And of course, there is the 'locker dream'.
YOU have that one too right? You are at school and you can't remember your locker combo? And then you realize you aren't wearing pants.
It's hard to be me.
Please share. Must I wallow alone here in my weird dream world?

Haha, no PANTS! Oh my. I make things in some of my dreams. In others it is MOVING. we moved a lot when I was a kid and a couple of big moves for me and the wife, and oh gosh, what a nightmare....
ReplyDeleteI usually dream about packing and not having enough boxes! It's all about stress, I think.
ReplyDeleteYou're not alone in your craziness though. Believe me!
You. are. hilarious! I've never thought to write down my dreams, but I KNOW they would be used against me! I do remember having a dream about zombies chasing me, and the school nurse walked right by them to come into my house and didn't lock the door behind her!
ReplyDeleteha! I ALWAYS knew you were wierd!! ;oP
ReplyDeletehave a great week chicken...I am working hard at washing and packing...off on a road trip next week!!
hello gorgeous xxx
I always have the dream where I have a huge mouthful of gum and am almost choking on it. Sigh. Perhaps I talk to much and the universe is trying to tell me to shush!
ReplyDeleteLOL! I thought only I dreamed about forgetting my locker combo. Or sometimes I can't remember where to sit in class - weird :-)
ReplyDeletei'll change it up, suz, just for you... i dint mean to be offensive, i just talk like dat.... i'm blaming it on the surgery.
ReplyDeletewhat i hate about dreams is when they leave me feeling the emotion of the dream for a year and its not a good one... otherwize, i like to try to figure them out!
I rarely remember the content of dreams, although I'm sure I do dream. It may be that I just lead a very boring life. I'm pretty sure I've had my pants on in all dreams, however.
ReplyDeleteI have had the recurring nightmare (nightmare because I hated high school) that I am at school and cannot remember where I parked my car and can't find a ride home.
ReplyDeleteI left a comment but it flew off into cyberspace!
ReplyDeleteI have constant dreams, colorful and weird. I never write them down but sometimes awaken in the midst of one and tell myself, "you have to remember this one."
The locker dream, the can't find your class dream (had that last night), can't dial the cell phone - won't connect. It all leads to the fact that we have issues. And we worry too much. I want to dream about Channing Tatum. Or Matthew Hey Hey Hey. Or Jimmy Fallon. I need a new Mr. Sandman.
ReplyDeletei wake myself talking, then i ask my husband the next day what the heck i was talking about last night....he has no clue!!!! he can't remember! well what the heck good is he for? oh wait, tee hee, i have a few ideas.....WAIT!!!!!
ReplyDeleteanyway....back to my dreams.....they are all pretty much a waste of all our time. yeah.
Hairy Legs! ha ha - I've never dreamt that (perhaps it is because too often it is a reality) I love dreaming and the weirder the better. and I love to share my dreams with my family - who just roll their eyes. My dreams are usually about waterfall walls in my house, a labyrinth of hidden rooms and flying. I think I'll go have a nap now :>)
ReplyDeleteI never thought about writing down my dreams, but then again, I don't really remember most of them... Now our little one should keep a journal about her dreams - they are very "colorful". :-)
ReplyDeleteI have the locker dream, too! But I am always fully clothed. =)
ReplyDeletei love you, my sweet, neat, crazy friend!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you jinxed me by putting that locker/combination thought into my subconscious, I'm going to be totally pissed! I haven't had that one in years. Speaking of dreams, I miss the sex ones. It really was the only thing I had to look forward to each night.
Never had any of those dreams...but I do dream about the house I grew up in and I could always fly there....like a bird. And I wake up well rested :)
ReplyDeleteI've had some very memorable dreams over the years too... they're fun, and when I share them with Hubby the next morning he laughs out loud and then gets this quizzical look on his face like I'm weird. It's nice to hear your dreams and know for sure that I am NOT weird. LOL
ReplyDeleteHere's the link to one of my dreams that I blogged about.
This is too weird...since high school I have had the can't open the locker dream! Nowdays, I dream that I can't press the brake on the car????????
ReplyDeleteOh the dang locker dream. I've had that one sooooo many times. So many. What is that all about? And then I have to go to the office to see if they know what the combination is, and UGH! I hate that dream. And I've had dreams where I'm losing my teeth. My grown up adult teeth. Yeah. Not too cool. I don't dream that much anymore. Because, you see, you have to sleep to dream. And there's not much sleepin' goin' on in this house.
ReplyDeleteAfter my surgery and going off narcotics, I had a dream that I was herding/saving some ducks in a hall way. I had another dream that had that family laughing but none of us can remember it now. Funny how I didn't have any dreams ON drugs but when I came off of them, it's like my sleeping brain woke up. Weird. : )
ReplyDeleteAlmost 13 years ago I woke up screaming. I dreamed someone ate the last piece of chocolate cake. It was a nightmare. I'm still haunted by that dream to this day......
ReplyDeleteI've had the locker dream and also the it's the end of the year and final tests and I haven't been to one of the classes all semester dream.
ReplyDeleteMy dad had a great dream where he retired and became an Olympic ski jumper! My dad doesn't ski or jump. Funny.
I seldom remember my dreams --but writing them down when you get up is the best way to remember...
ReplyDeleteI had a friend who actually took a class on dreams. She felt as if our dreams were trying to tell us something...
The ones I ever did remember were weird (like yours) ---so I never believed that dreams were telling me anything...Who knows????
Well let's see, the most recurring ones are:
ReplyDelete1. i'm losing my teeth, they all fall out one at a time. I hate this one.
2. i'm desperately trying to dial (well pressing the buttons) a phone number and I can't ever get it right. i have to keep trying over and over....., i hate this one too!
3. and then there's this one, my favorite. i'm walking outside somewhere and i look down and find a coin and then there's another coin, then there's a group of coins, until i find the big stash, lol
talk about crazy!
Oh no, my dreams are weird! Always about aliens invading the world. Brother!