
May 10, 2011

Ten on Ten::May


ten on ten :: Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments.  Or something like that.

{Hosted By Rebeka!}













Tuesday was perfectly lovely for me…how about YOU???


  1. I enjoyed the pics from your day! I hope to join in next month.

  2. I love this! Looks like you had a lovely day indeed. My day was spend chasing rascals in the heat..we went from wearing jackets this morning to being in the 80's and very humid..I don't know how you people live in the heat day after day. :) I try to find the beauty in the every day but some day's I forget...thanks for the reminder! Love & hugs XX

  3. Wow, that picture from your car made me laugh since MY car said 94 today!!!

  4. Very nice, Suz... Looks like you had a good day. Bet your crock pot dinner was delicious.... Cannot believe that it was 96 degrees down there!!!! Yipes.


  5. Thanks for sharing your day with us. I'm glad you took the time to smell the roses.

  6. You are fortunate they pick up your recycles at the curb. We have to take them to the recycle center.
    We watched Glee, too! Love their music!!!

  7. 96 freaking degrees? OH MY GOODNESS! God bless you. I wish I could watch Glee with Kaish. It has way to much grown up stuff in it. Glad you had a good day.

  8. Looks like you had a picture perfect day :) I did the 10 on 10...not the best cell phone pics but I will try again next month...Happy Tuesday!

  9. Rain and sleet here. Definitely NOT as warm as spring in Florida!

  10. DANG!!! The thingy that I put the memory card it won't work on my dumb puter...blah

    Guess I'll just come see your awesomely fun tens:)

    Love the pickle one!

  11. 96. ugh. no thanks. you can keep those temps!

  12. 96, oh goshhhhhhhhhhh......
    I need to look more carefully around my store, do we have them awesome pickles tooo????? I am guessing the roses are a mother's day thing :)

  13. Why isn't my Blog on your laptop?

  14. Sounds like a perfect day to me (love your coffee mug!).

  15. We have those new fangled Target carts too. So futuristic! It was 49 degrees here this morning, so I also say "Spring??" but from the other extreme. Mmmmmmm, pickles.

  16. Looks like you had a full day...

  17. 96? I'm not jealous of your weather anymore. Check back with me in the winter. : ) I can't believe it's already so hot there. UGH. You still iron? We went to no-iron and haven't looked back. I rarely ever have to take out the ironing board. And yes, I totally forgot to do this! (my bad!)

  18. I love Target carts. They roll perfectly and never shock me like the Walmart carts do.

    P.S. My car says 68 today. It turns out that there is something redeeming about living in Detroit. Finally.

  19. It was good, thank you - and busy. Editing, laundry, exercise, laundry, editing, dinner prep for all four of the grandparents (belated Mother's Day for Gregg's mom), family dinner. Your day looks as if it was fun, and about 30 degrees warmer than mine!

  20. Love that bee mug. Nothing better than crock pot cooking on a hot summer (err I mean spring) day. So fun.

  21. Visting from 10 on 10! your day looked lovely, indeed! And, 96?!? yikes! I can't wait to watch Glee...I have it dvr'd from last night & I will be watching it while my girls nap this afternoon!

  22. Oh this was such a great post! I really enjoyed seeing all of the pictures of your day. What a great concept.

  23. LOVE this!
    And LOVED the card I got from you in the mail... how creative, beautiful and amazing... and when I flipped it over and saw precious little Lo on the back... :)

    I don't know WHERE the years went (...or HOW we stay so young.) ;)

    Give your beautiful girls a hug from me, and tell miss Lo congratulations. Hubster says she's going to be "real life CSI". :)

  24. LOVE this!
    And LOVED the card I got from you in the mail... how creative, beautiful and amazing... and when I flipped it over and saw precious little Lo on the back... :)

    I don't know WHERE the years went (...or HOW we stay so young.) ;)

    Give your beautiful girls a hug from me, and tell miss Lo congratulations. Hubster says she's going to be "real life CSI". :)

  25. I love this idea! You definitely had a lovely day. Making dinner in the crockpot is the best, especially after a busy day.

  26. I haven't seen that Glee yet--I bet it was great. Target--my home away from home!

  27. cool post!

    my tuesday was uneventful.

    blah, blah, blah..

    mama always loved you more..

  28. You have reminded me to use my crock pot!


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