
April 22, 2011

Don’t bee a lazy jerk!




There are SOOOOO many things we can/should do to help preserve this lovely place of ours…

This little nugget of information is the easiest …seriously, very little effort.


If you are not using LESS (and recycling) of this


and this


And this (Styrofoam NEVER decomposes. NEVER)


Then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

And I don’t hang out with problem people.

This is where your plastic (and electronic) garbage can end up. garbage-patch-1

And these critters did not ask for this.



So many people are in denial that recycling helps.

Ignorance must be bliss.

I hope the ignorant choke on a piece of plastic blissfully.

turtle eating plastic

Was that mean of me?


How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

~Anne Frank

Will you do something good for OUR home today?

You know I will.

{All photos borrowed from the ‘net…it’s the green way to travel}


  1. ah, um - yeah. I certainly will. We do some, but we can do more...

  2. Very eye opening photos. I feel a rather large twinge of guilt. Thank you for the reminder...I forgot all about Earth day until I read this.

  3. Don't make me feel guilty by looking at sad pictures. I'm a good guy. Really, I am.
    Your Friend, m.

  4. Wow. that turtle picture is crazy. I have been getting my coffee in paper cups : ) and only using 2 stirrers instead of the 4 I prefer. I would NEVER want to be on your bad side.

  5. Those pictures are just so sad. I wish more people would just "wake up" and realize they can't continue living the way they do...

  6. Very good lesson. And that turtle photo is horrible.

  7. Good Morning, Suz,
    I hate sending things to the landfill. That is why my garage looks like an episode of hoarders across South Dakota...

    I always think there might be a use for something, so I stick it out there. I am going to tackle it this summer.

    I never buy paper or styrofoam plates to use here at home. Even when we had no sick and running water in the kitchen, I was using our dishes and washing them in the bathroom sink!

    I do need to be better about remembering to bring my own shopping bags when I go to the store. Thanks for the great reminder.

    Have a Blessed Easter. ~Natalie

  8. Bravo! An important topic. Convenience ISN'T king!

  9. Ok, I'm convicted. We do recycle, but I know I could be more vigilant. Our Earth is too beautiful to waste!

  10. So sad. I do everything I can - it's really sad some people don't care. When will they realize it's for their own children and grandchildren?

  11. Hooray, I can be your friend because we DO RECYLE! But now, I don't want you to hold back. Please just speak your mind! - - - - - someone has to.

  12. I admire you so much! I'm praying for rain so EVERYTHING turns green here in Texas.

    I use my Walmart bags for trash liners, so I don't have to buy trash bags.

    Happy Earth Day....and Good Friday

  13. Hi Suz, We do our BEST when it comes to being 'green' and not using those materials which all of us used to use... We have grocery bags; we don't use styrofoam; and I use the same water containers over and over and over... Don't know if that is healthy or not--but we TRY....

    Happy Easter.

    Have a great weekend.

  14. Thanks for a perfect post for the day. We gave up plastic shopping bags a couple of years ago and recycle all we can. We live in a beautiful area and want to help keep it that way.

  15. Wow. Powerful pictures. The Small Town has just started to participate in a "recyclegreen" program: we get points for recycling and can turn those points into coupons for eating out and for merchandise. We didn't even take the trash out to the curb last week: we only had 1 bag that needed to go out because we recycle as much as we can.

  16. As soon as I saw this post title, I said, "Oh crap, what did I do NOW?" We all know I'm pretty much a lazy jerk most of the time. :(

    I know in the past, I've shared with you all the 'green' things we do around here (reusable shopping bags, Brita pitcher and reusable bottles, recycling EVERYTHING, etc.) but this year I've added another with the awesome Christmas present I bought myself. You may recall that I bought myself a Keurig coffee machine, which means I have not been to a Dunkin Donuts for coffee since NOVEMBER! Do you know how many styrofoam cups that has kept from a landfill!? I bought a bunch of reusable travel coffee cups from BB&B, and now filling them with coffee is part of my morning routine. Yay! Plus, the coffee is WAY better. :)

  17. i totally use reusable bag for any shopping i do and i don't buy water in plastic bottles. i know there's lot more we can do and we do try our best.

    great post!

  18. I have been amazed at the lack of recycling at our location in CA. I thought CA was full of tree huggers?!?

  19. we recycle here, but its true there is ALWAYS more we can do. my heart goes out to the animals, they get the brunt of the worst of humanity. bless each and every one of them. happy easter to you and yours... happy earthday, too.

  20. YEA!! I love this post. I so totally agree. I have been telling this for several years now. It is so true we can all make a difference. We just have to start! GREAT POST!!

  21. There's always something more we can do, that is for sure. We can be stupid, but those poor animals didn't ask for any of this. Sad and convicting. : (

  22. Target gives you 5 cents back for every reusable bag you use. If people are too lazy to use them to help the planet, you would think they would at least use them to save some money!

  23. I love it when you enlighten us and remind us of how much you appreciate and care for our Mother Earth - and how we can help you (and her). You are a great advocate for the planet - thank you!
    I hope you had a happy Earth Day.

    Have you ever thought of making some of your "green" postings into a powerpoint presentation and making the rounds of the local schools? You would be better than a 1-woman science fair, and I bet the kids would learn and remember what you said. Just a thought!

  24. We are so used to recycling, using our own bags, etc. that it can be shocking to realize how many people don't. I swear my MIL would walk past 5 recycle bins to put a can in the trash just because she doesn't believe "that nonsense."

  25. That snap turtle made my stomach lurch... the cruelty and ignorance of humankind knows no bounds, apparently.

    Styrofoam should be BANNED, period - ever notice how every single piece of meat in the supermarket sits in a styrofoam tray, covered in plastic? Well, at least here it is...

    A sign to stop eating meat altogether, which is a whole other issue on this planet....?

  26. I think animals look at us and think that we are very smelly and greedy and destructive.

  27. I hear ya sister. I really do need to write that letter to Chick Fil A (my fave FF place) about their continued use of styrofoam in ALL their drinking cups. As much as I LOVE CFA, there's just no excuse for them continuing to use styrofoam.

  28. Okay...I am very good at recycling and using less and going without...I have saved 45 gallons of gas this year by not driving to work one single day! BUT here's my big beef after my vacation this week...WHY...tell me WHY!!! do women hike into a National Park, National Forrest or other park trail and feel that they have the right to pee and leave toilet paper tucked under a rock or flying free????? WHY WHY WHY don't they use the toilets provided BEFORE they hike OR take a ziplock baggie to hike out their toilet paper that they so cleverly remembered to bring with them??? If you can't handle packing out your paper then stay at the hotel and use the flush toilet...or better yet, choose a vacation that does not include wilderness...because you are POLLUTING!!!

    Whew...there...I feel better now!

  29. That snapping turtle pic just made me ill. So bad. We are recycle nuts here, but I'm sure I could do better. I detest plastic grocery bags. I usually use my cloth bags, but do use paper at times when I need some at home. We went to our local Earth Day celebration in Idaho Sat. and had such fun. Came home and planted 3 trees and a foxglove! Happy Easter dear Suz and family.

  30. Late getting here but LOVE that you ranted on this! That poor turtle! I hate plastic and use it as less as I can. REFUSE TO USE ANY STYROFOAM! Where I live they still ask if you want paper or plastic. And we have a recycle bin picked up each week.


  31. I was just watching a PBS show on this very subject. I'm glad you posted about it.
    I put our big blue recycle bin out each and every week. : )
    Happy Easter, Suz.

  32. This is yet another reason why I love animals and only like (some) people. Animals don't destroy the environment.


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