
July 15, 2010

The drama of the *cleaning*



Two of us had our teeth cleaned on Wednesday.

One of us liked it.

One of us did not.


One of us has dental insurance.

One of us does not.


One of us asks for sedation, but is always denied.

One of us has to be completely sedated.


One of us had to pay $136.

One of us had to pay more.


One of us had some minor plaque.

One of us had some major plaque and even gums packed with hair.


One of us had a nice lunch with someone special just after the cleaning.

One of us stood swayed in the kitchen for an hour when they got home and did not want dinner.


One of us loves the feel of clean teeth.

One of us loves the feel of a leather sectional under our butt.


One of us fell out of the car when we got home.

One of us had horrible wharf breath.

One of us won’t remember the day ever happened.


One of us can’t take a picture without having 14 chins to save her life, but she loves how pretty her teeth look today.


I hope you realize that it was Ozzie who had hair stuck in his gums and the wharf breath.

FYI, It has been a while since I fell out of a car.

And it was all worth it for the wharf breath seems to have dissipated. I’ve saved $$ on gas masks.


  1. i was S hoping it was not YOU with the hair in her gums. that would be... gross! i am just amazed at the fun stuff you come up to do while your kids are away :)

  2. I hope you were the one with the insurance and nice breath. :)

  3. HA! Your teeth do look sparkly white! But I would still rather give birth than get a cleaning...for real.

  4. I was wondering who's teeth had hair in!

  5. So...this is what is keeping you busy! I usually take care of all my 'appointments' in the summer too, if you know what I mean?!

    Have a thoughtful Thursday. ~Natalie

  6. What a cute post! You are so pretty Suz! I've been using that Arm and Hammer toothpaste and whitener and enamel booster every day and it really helps keep my teeth feeling like I just had a cleaning!

  7. You have me laughing again!

  8. It took me a minute, but I DID assume we were talking about a pet after I saw the "hair in the teeth" part. How can they stand it? Eew.
    Congratulations on wiping out Wharf Breath.

  9. Oh BBS!!!

    I just LOVEEEEE the feel of clean teeth...
    Glad it's all over for you both... : )

  10. Isn't it funny that we're all taking care of our teeth cleaning business at the same time? Though mine comes 4 times a year, so I feel like I'm always having it done.

    I think it's a trick camera that adds those chins!

  11. I gagged a wee bit at the hair in the gums bit. ug.
    Sadly I am more like your puppy then you, hate hate the denist. shiver

  12. I thought you were talking about you and Coach at first ---until you mentioned that one of you had hair in their teeth.... I knew then that it was one of the doggies... ha ha ha

    Poor Ozzie.... Glad you got rid of the wharf breath though... My friend's mother used to have a yappy little dog (a Pom)... That dog's breath would knock you down... I couldn't stand to be around "Little Bit" as she was named... SO-I know about wharf breath....

    Glad Ozzie was sedated when he had all of his tooth work done.... Bet that did cost you an arm and a leg... BUT---as with all pets, I'm sure it was worth it.

    Your teeth are GORGEOUS

  13. OMG... another one of the funniest posts I've ever read. I so enjoy reading your blog every day! And you look LOVEY - sparkly blue eyes and blinding white teeth!! :D
    And look at Ozzie show off his smile... =) too cute.

  14. It is really expensive to have the dog's teeth cleaned, isn't it? And, my schnauzer is at the age when she's having teeth pulled. $$$$$ Ka-Ching!

  15. OOOOOOOOOOf Ozzie, baby, puhleese...

  16. : ) I love you.
    I always thought you had wharf breath though. It was just a feeling I had : )

    Suz, do you know how to take a picture with 0 chins....duh! Put the camera OVER your head and look up.

    Never in front of you. Oh my. I have nine zillion chins that way. Above me and I look sort of normal and no one would ever know that I weigh 508 pounds.

  17. I'm glad both you and Ozzie made it through your cleanings. I'm also glad it has been a while since you fell out of a car!
    Thanks for a cute post.

  18. great pic and lovely white teeth- I am so jealous. I really really need mine doing but they won't while I am having chemo. Will have to wait X

  19. Glad the hair is out of the gums and glad that wasn't YOUR problem. LOL Now you can both smile with confidence. : D

  20. Very funny narrative. We brush our dogs' teeth twice a week and so far we haven't had to have them cleaned at the vet.

    Speaking of sedation...are we a little worried about that tumbled wisdom tooth?

  21. Very clever post! It took me a minute to realize it who it was about! 14 chins. You silly funny crazy girl. Your teeth look amazing!

  22. Wait a sec - who does that impacted wisdom tooth belong to? Yikes! You had me with baited breath the whole post long, you! ha ha!

    Well done and what a SMILE! :-D

  23. Hahahahaha...except for the no insurance part :)

  24. Hey, that looks like my x-ray! seriously

  25. I hate it when I get hair in my gums! Oh, wait, um..... ;-)

  26. You had me 'til the 'gums packed with hair'.

    Tooooooooooo cute!

  27. Thank god you don't have hairy teeth. I was starting to wonder about you. Man, those are some shiny whites you've got there.

  28. Hehe. At first I had no idea where this was going. Glad it was Ozzie who had the hair in his teeth. :<) You do NoT have multiple chins you silly!! Pretty teeth, nice smile, dancing eyes. Cute gal!

  29. You crack me up!!! I love your sparkly whites!

    How come only one pooch went to the dentist that day?

  30. This post made me smile and laugh. You are so creative, and funny.

    Phew for no more need for gas masks!

  31. I like having my teeth cleaned, but I can imagine Daisy would not be thrilled.
    Once in a while we take the horses to the dentist to get their teeth filed. They need major sedation and don't like it a bit!

  32. LOL! I'm laughing so hard... I'm thinking "How the HECK did Coach get HAIR packed in his gums?" and "I had NO IDEA Coach was SUCH a baby about going to the dentist?!"



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