I am fairly certain that you had a nice Thanksgiving. I'm fairly certain that if you were at our house, your Thanksgiving would have been a little bit funner.
Fun is our middle name.
Can't tell you our last name, it's a secret.
The food was awesome. My Mom and Aunt prepared a major portion of our dishes/desserts two days leading up to THE day. {Smart!} We have two full sized fridges, but there was talk about renting a third. Just talk.
I did something super smart this year. I purchased an electric roaster.
Therefore, my oven was free for the 38 casseroles and pies.
Therefore, my oven was free for the 38 casseroles and pies.
I might be exaggerating. We only had 37 casseroles and pies.
But seriously, cooking my turkey all by it's lonesome in the roaster OUTSIDE was brilliant.
But seriously, cooking my turkey all by it's lonesome in the roaster OUTSIDE was brilliant.
The house did not heat up and the turkey was cooked in 3 hours as opposed to 7.
Oh, and we continued our Thanksgiving tradition by playing football.
Well, I just kinda ran back and forth {looking pretty} while others played football.
One thing you should never do though, is play football with Cocoa's football.
She really wanted to play 'with' us with her football. But that was getting kind of dangerous with all the tripping she likes to do.
So, she was tied up like some janky 'hood dog.
So, she was tied up like some janky 'hood dog.
When you play football with people who are in their upper 40's, early 50's and late 60's, you need to have less tripping than necessary.
I might have been the only one who never fell, rolled or was tackled. This is why you should just run back and forth {looking pretty} while watching others play.
See, I am brillianter than you thought.
See, I am brillianter than you thought.
Ozzie was exhausted just watching me.
We had a great week with my people here. I can't wait till next year.
Can we just skip Christmas and head to New Years?
Can we just skip Christmas and head to New Years?

It's so true about getting older and those football games! I have a roaster too and I can't figure out why I waited so long to get one.
ReplyDeleteI'm jealous of your roaster and your ability to wear shorts on Thanksgiving. When can we come visit?
ReplyDeleteThis looks like great fun. Y'all know GOOD, CLEAN FUN - something we have in common and another reason I love your blog.
ReplyDeleteYour sweet girl with her bare arms reminded me of the ONE time I have been to Florida. It was a lifetime ago (during my 1st marriage, but we won't go into that), and it was for Thanksgiving. I have never been so sweaty in my life - cooking a turkey in the Florida heat made everything/everyone swelter! I can see why you want to roast that bird outdoors.
Here, at the other end of the country, we turn on both ovens and think: more heat in the house - YES! Funny.
Hilarious! Yes would love to have been tripping down the football field with you, and your roaster is brilliant. We went to the Captain's mom's and drank too much wine and watched football instead of playing. Brought some games to play but the stupid TV won out. sigh.
ReplyDeleteChristmas at my house with too many people in too small a space so yes, maybe we can skip right to new year's?
I'm SO coming your house for Thanksgiving next year!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, it sounds fabulous! I just run around looking pretty too {or trying to look pretty. Not sure I really accomplish that}. It's so much less dangerous! And the roaster . . . brilliant!
ReplyDeleteThe picture of Ozzie made me laugh out loud! That's exactly how I look when I play football....
ReplyDeleteI would like to see a picture of that roaster - I need one as I too cook for fifty when I am only hosting twenty.
And I'm with you - skip Christmas and go right to New years.
The roaster is a great idea. We've used our big gas grill as an oven a few years to do the turkey outside. Worked like a charm. This year, I was super organized (how on earth that happened, I'll never know) and managed to get everything made in the oven. Still working on the leftovers!
ReplyDeleteOk, those pictures just made me sweat! I've been enjoying the 20s around here for a few days, but now a damn heat wave is coming, and we'll be suffering through some 50s for the rest of the week. Boo.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally with you on the skipping Christmas thing. Thankfully, Monkey is still kinda young to remember what we might or might not do. I say I book a flight to FL to celebrate the New Year with some freakin' awesome people...
No... We can't skip Christmas... ;)
ReplyDeleteThat turkey looked yummy. Although I am a ham person, myself.
Your middle name is "Fun?" Look at that, I learn something new everyday.
Wow, that all sounds way to fun for me. Makes me tired just looking at the pictures of football. Even just standing around looking pretty would get to me. Give me a nice, comfortable lounge chair and a diet coke. Oh and a pillow for a nap.
ReplyDeleteHow on earth has ANYBODY got the energy to run around like that after cooking a Turkey?
ReplyDeleteand eating a Turkey?
Aren't you supposed to lie down and sleep it off afterwards?
I'm with Ozzie.
I love the idea of playing football with the family on Thanksgiving. Except in our case it would be just us and the girls and they would probably be rolling in the grass laughing...
ReplyDeleteThat turkey looks amazing. A roaster, now that's thinking. You are a genius! I think I've made 37 casseroles since Thanksgiving. I was tasked with only one pie, and then I forgot to read the directions....
ReplyDeleteI'm glad our football tradition is merely the watch it on tv kind. That would be way too much exercise for me. I'd end up ike Ozzie!!
I can only assume the football came before the turkey and the 37 casseroles and pies. After that feast the only activity I would be interested in would be a nap. I hope Cocoa got her football back.
ReplyDeleteAH-----that's what I think of when I think of Thanksgiving: Family, Food, and loads of FUN.... AND---people got to eat more since they got plenty of exercise. Right????? ha
We fried this year. It's pretty amazing I have to say.
ReplyDeleteI think you love Thanksgiving as much as I do.
It sounds wonderful! Tell me more about the roaster? And skipping Christmas - UM NO....I am not down with that!
ReplyDeleteoh miss crabby christmas has arrived! come on now... we are not skipping ahead to new years cuz someone's birthday would be skipped!!! and you know whose bee-day i mean!!! {yes, MINE! although, last years was enough work for 2 yrs!}
ReplyDeleteanyway, looks like it was better you kept your peeps at your house... we would have surely been tripping up your game!
oh wow, an EXHAUSTED young dog? that means a GREAT day :)
ReplyDeleteI am kind of in love with your family:) This looks like my kind of holiday! :) Happy Belated Thanksgiving. Bring on Christmas!
ReplyDeleteNope. No skipping Christmas. Think of the Christmas dinner you can make in your new roaster! After a broken ankle one year, we gave up football for croquet.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like your family was aptly named...Fun being in the middle.
ReplyDeleteYou guys always have the best get-togethers! The turkey looks delicious.
ReplyDeletePeople that buy roasters to free their oven are brilliant.
ReplyDeleteJust brilliant.
Why yes, I did purchase a roaster this year...
But I swear that's not why I wrote that comment.
looks like you guys had a grand time. you're very lucky to have such a great family.
ReplyDeletei'm with you, let's skip xmas, lol
Poor Cocoa. How rude to play with your dog's football. Wise to just run around looking pretty, though. That would be my plan also.