
April 11, 2012


Linds and I traveled to the East Coast for a little whirlwind weekend for my Niece, we only see her once or twice per year.
We do enjoy our time with her. Do you want to know how she IS my niece?
Deep breath: Her Mother is my Dad's 2nd wive's daughter. Or, I could say she is the daughter of my ex-step sister. Or I could say that I grew up with her mother, whose mom was married to my Dad for 9 years.
I'm sure you got that.

 Cute huh?

She is graduating this year and was in need of senior photos...and oh, how about a prom dress?

{Becca tried on 329 dresses before finding 'the' dress, I was close to pulling down some drapes from the hotel lobby and creating a dress}

My niece is very sweet and let's just say she has a different vocabulary than we do. We find a lot of humor in her sayings.
I wish I had written them all down. Becca-ism's. 
Lindsay caught this little humdinger....The girls were sitting under the Chickee hut at my friend Kelly's house.
Becca was enjoying the moment, enjoying the peaceful scenery.

And she said to Linds:
Oh, this is just so relaxful. 

I do hope you've all enjoyed a relaxful weekend! Oh, what is it Wednesday already?


  1. WEDNESDAY, I know! Your niece is, roughly speaking, your daughter's 3rd cousin, or would it be easier to say sometime twin? have a relaxful day SUZ!

  2. Relaxful... I kinda like that word. Hope your day and your week are relaxful Suz. :-)

  3. You did an awesome job on the photo; she is lovely! Wishing you a relaxful day!

  4. I find it easier to just say that all kinfolk are my cousins :)

  5. Relaxful...I like it. But I've missed you this week. Glad you had a safe trip. : )

  6. Ahhhh....relaxful....I love it!

  7. The family tree reminds me of the song 'I'm my own grandpa' ! great. now I'll be singing that all day.

  8. She is quite beauticiful!

    And your explanation of how she's related reminded me of one of those impossible to solve shower games!

  9. I missed that it was Wednesday too. It happens. I claim that I was dropped on my head as a child. My mother can deny it all she wants to!
    I understand -isms. Have lots around here. But I do love relaxful. I could use one of those kind of days.

  10. You lost me on 2nd any rate- cute kid and a funny one at that :)

  11. Becca is a beautiful girl .. Of course, all of the women in your family including you are beautiful... Great photo of her, Suz....

    Cute pictures...

    Hope your Wednesday turned out GREAT.

  12. Whether by blood or just by marriage, all the women in your family are gorgeous!!! I love those hammock chairs. Is there a special name for them?

  13. 'Relaxful' sounds like a perfectly good word to me. You got a great of Becca; now if I could only get how you're related straight in my head.

  14. i wanna hear all about it!!! what about friday? hmmm???? i think it's been 47 weeks since we spent friday together...

  15. Well, Becca fits right in with your beautiful girls. Relaxful...I think I like that word.

  16. 329 dresses?! Wowza! Still lol'ing abt the East Coast! hehe. Cute pic with the hammocks. It does look relaxful. ;)

  17. You are a good photographer, Suz! She looks great. I'm glad that you had a happy trip with your girl.

    Thank you SO much for putting the ad for my book on your blog! It makes me so happy to see it there underneath Ozzie's photo!

    I'm visiting Maribeth in Kansas City this week, and she has a new, baby boxer puppy. I've never had a puppy (or a dog), and Boxers are wonderful, as you well know. I'm thinking of you & Cocoa & Ozzie as I get lots of Cissy-boxer kisses.

  18. Relaxful sounds like a perfectly good word to me!
    The relationship is a little confusing, but she is a beautiful young woman.

  19. So what's the big deal? Makes sense to me...I mean, she's cute as a whatfor and bloods blood no? Ya, makes sense to me:) Glad a good time was had by all...and you're home saferly.

  20. Totally get the family tree thing. I have had NOT relaxfulness in a very long time and I am missing it.

  21. I got super lost in the connection, but she is super adorable and I think that would be very relaxful...


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