
August 31, 2011

Imperfect perfection.

Have you ever tossed a bad photo thinking it was worthless?

Like this one?

circa 1989.

Suz, Mom and my Bro' Mark at the Atlanta zoo.

Not a one of us is looking the correct way. And well, Mom and Mark could hardly keep their eyes open. I have that effect on people. :)
Does it matter? nah. We were all there. together. 
Smiling and laughing.

I am so glad I never tossed this baby.

I think this was our last outing together that was photographed. 

Mark passed away a few months later.

I don't talk about his death much and I don't talk about how heartbreaking it was to see his health decline as he suffered the effects of AIDS for over 2 years.

I DO love to talk about what a funny guy he was. 
 He was a clown. A silly, over the top clown.

And I treasure every single photo of him.   

The moral of this post is {and yes, I have a moral today}: treasure those photos...even the ones that look a bit horrid at first. 
To me, this one is so perfect I keep it on my fridge at all times.


 Speaking of Brothers and people I adore:

Some of you know , PJ @ Seens From The Backs Of My Eyelids, whose  brother, Henry, who lost everything he owned to fire on Saturday, July 24, 2011.  The outpouring of help for Henry was so overwhelming, PJ would like to thank you all in a special way.

On next Wednesday evening, September 7th, she will have the computer randomly select three names from her Wednesday blogpost this week.  

The first name selected will win a $100 e-certificate to
The second name selected will win a $75 e-certificate to
The third name selected will win a $50 e-certificate to

All you have to do to enter her drawing is be a follower, leave a comment and MAKE SURE THERE IS A LINK TO YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR COMMENT.  Easy peasy, right?

Before the end of the day on Thursday, September 8th, PJ will contact the winners and before the end of the day on Friday, September 9th, she will have the e-certificates sent from Amazon to the winners.

PJ, did Amazon call you and tell you how much we just spent there on school books??

If  you have not met PJ yet, you are missing out on a very smart, sweet and funny lady!  Out of the 741 posts I have posted, this is the first time I have shared with you a 

{741??? And this was my first post with a MORAL ;)}

Enjoy your hump-day my friends!

August 29, 2011

Weeding and driving...and not being able to walk afterwards.

How was your weekend?
Mine was good..thanks for asking. I did a load of weed pulling {2 + hours} in the garden and some other outside cleanup...which by the way is NOT a good task to attempt while it is 97 degrees. {and 436% humidity}

I felt as though I was overheating. Like a yugo, with no a/c. 

Once all the weeds were gone, well, there is really nothing left to my garden....I'll start again in February.

I did try to cool off in the pool...but being that the pool is 89 degrees, well, you can imagine how cool I was....
but am I complaining? 
hells to the no. 
It is all good in the hood. NO hurricanes at my back door. Groceries in the fridge. AND my a/c is working. Hallelujah.

I will say though, that one day later, my hamstrings and lower back are crying out in if I had never bent over before!!!! How can I be this out of shape???

{Mark, no comment about the bending over part!}

Someone is getting some more driving time under her belt this weekend. And I...well I need a back massage. And a pill of some sort. You don't realize how much you tense up while someone else is in control of your vehicle. 

 The whole braking/turning thing is a challenge to learn. I advise helmets for all parents at this time. {and a muscle relaxer perhaps???}
{and why don't they have brakes and steering wheels on the right side???}

As my Jewish mother used to say:
Oy Vey.  

And you know, I only had a Jewish mother on my pretend sitcom. 
My real Mom is a Catholic travel agent. 

Yes, she sends me on a lot of guilt trips. {free of charge!}

tune in later this week for:
Who knows what.

August 26, 2011

--Tid-bits-- Dirty Dinner, Sweet Sisters and Depressed Dogs.

Bits of Tid?

Twice this week I was halfway through the cutting of a 'mater for our salad...when I realized the sticker was STILL on it. 
Which means, I did NOT wash them. 
Which means, we are going to DIE.

{I wish I could grow tomatoes in 97 degree weather}

Aren't dramatic people annoying? 


Linds has had a great first week as a sophomore. 
She is liking all her classes and is loving being a part of the Varsity dance team. {Go Bears!}
If I could have her hair, I would never complain about anything. ever.

Did I tell you that she has ALL honors classes?
 I don't know where the stork left my real children, you know, the ones who don't like school. Oh wait, they are probably those loud kids who hang out at the mall all day. never.mind.

She is also taking a child-care class this year. 
{Now that is a class that should be mandatory before giving birth!} At some point soon, they will have actual children that they care for during the day. Her choosing this class baffled me; she does not really care for children...unless they are related to us. And even then, she is iffy. 

Linds informed me that she has to take out all her piercings prior to this class so she does not scare all the kiddos. 

That was a trick statement...she doesn't have any piercings. that.I.know.of.

I wonder if anyone has ever failed this class? I'll let you know in June. 

LoLo is loving college life. 
{although two of her roommates are party girls. THIS bugs me}
She sent me a text this week: 
"My math teacher has pink streaked hair. LMAO. I love this place!"

She made an impromptu visit home this week. {She was retrieving a letter from her boyfriend who is at boot camp in TX} 

They miss each other....THIS floored me.
Did you know that absence makes the heart grow fonder? 

I'm going to trademark that saying, so don't quote me. ok?

She was home for a few hours; she enjoyed a home cooked meal, watched Tangled with her sister, decorated a t-shirt to wear/support her sister while she's dancing on the football field and washed a few loads of laundry. 

And these two? 

Don't they look depressed? actually, that is how they always look. 

They knew something was up while Lo was packing up her stuff...and for the next few days, they both acted really weird. Cocoa kept going in Lo's room, looking around and Ozzie spent a good part of one day sleeping in the mud room by the garage door. HE never lays in there.

Now that I think about it...they must have been confuzzled about the cleanliness of her room when she left. 

I forgot what color the floor was in here. It's all coming back to me now.

Oh, and that Ozzie. He has been having more health issues. I'll spare you the details right now, but we should have purchased an extended warranty when we adopted him. :)

Aye caramba. 

{gosh, I love Mexican food!}

Well, that is enough bits of tid for today.
Have a wonderful weekend my friends! 
And for heavens sakes, don't eat any dirty 'maters!

August 22, 2011

Love bites.

Or should I say: I heart hearts??

I dunno.
but anyhoo.....

While we were in Wyoming, this love muffin was sending me a message. 

You know that love is the international language...right? Needs no translation. Even in Muffin talk. 

I recently took a bit out of this plum and it immediately told me: I LOVE YOU Suz. 

While it said I love you, it dripped juice down my blouse. 

{yes, I still wear blouses. don't you?}

I promise, that was ONE random is meant to be. BTW: LOVE IS MESSY!

This tater attracted my attention while we were still in the store. It called to me across the produce dept: 
 Hey little lady, come hither. 

And I hithered....

Some people have the nerve to say carbs are BAD??? 

I hope that today YOU are also feeling the love. And remember, if you are about to love on a plum, put on a bib and save your blouse.

{I am totally going to design chic adult bibs!} 


August 19, 2011


Well she did it. Lo chose an education over living under our roof. 
Kids these days. 

I did not get any pictures of her dorm because the lil' camera I brought with me was having issues and my droid is mad at me for dropping it 57 times. It now refuses to take photos. Whatev. Sissy phone. 

Here is her loot prior to leaving the house, plus a suitcase of clothes suitable for a year long visit to Europe. 
(Jenn, not as organized as your sons. The beauty of throwing it all in the car.)

Did I tell you that little sister asked big sister a few weeks ago: Are you taking ALL your stuff to school with you?
Lo: NO, why?
Linds: Well, I really wanted to have your closet. 

Silly girl, that closet has my name all over it. :)

Overheard in the dorm:

Lo to one of her roommates while standing in their fully equipped kitchen. (very sweet young lady, also a softball player)

Lo: I really don't know what I will be cooking in here. I don't know how to make anything....     (she is exaggerating, I swear!)
Roommate: Me neither.
Lo with a light bulb over her head: Oh, wait, I can bake cookies!
Roommate: Oh, yes, I CAN bake too.
Together, no longer worried: Oh, yeah, we'll be fine.

Cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Freshman 15 anyone? 

A former high school-mate is staying on the floor above Lo.
He comes in says hello and asks the girls present:
Can someone help me put the sheet thingys on my bed? I have never done that before. 

I quietly laughed.  Surely his Mom would be appalled. 

I was reluctant about leaving her, but then I heard this voice in my head saying: SINK or SWIM. 
She became a strong swimmer at five.

Have a beautiful weekend, it might be a good time to change your sheet/thingys!

August 18, 2011

Whoop. THERE it is.

I was going to keep quiet today. WAS.

I could not keep quiet today cause someone special has a birthday.
I know I know... someone special has a birthday EVERY DAY...but this someone special reads my blog everyday.

{{Hi Patrick!!!!}}

Today is my Cuz Patrick's birthday!!!! 

 Patrick, you are my fave Cuz...please, lets keep that between me, you and a million other people. ok?? You know...don't tell your brother!

Patrick is 29 today!!!! Yikes...cuz you are getting old. 
I am just pulling your leg. (did you feel that?)

Birthdays for Patrick are quite the holiday....big breakfasts, lunches and dinners with fun activities in the middle too. Usually a movie, bowling, trapeze flying or mountain climbing. 
Ok, I was exaggerating with the bowling. 

Patrick is SO excited about Lo going to college ...a few weeks ago he sent a care package of school supplies for her. Isn't that the sweetest???
Yes, it is. 

Patrick, we are wishing you a bright and beautiful day...I hope you have a smile on your face all day...cause that is what I am wearing on mine when I think of YOU.

I can't hear this song and NOT think of my Cuz Patrick. 
Hey Patrick, turn up the volume your parents LOVE this song too!!

Now, try and get that song out of your head today. Mwaaaahhhhhhh

August 15, 2011

My legs are DOWN here!

The coach has many talents and is SO good at so many things that I almost hate to point out his one fault. 

 But if I don't, then who will? 

We are more than just pretty heads. 

{For years, I have been telling the Coach: "please please look AT all OF ME...not just the brain part"} 

Ok, better. 

Yeah,  we have lower limbs too. Yes, Lets get the whole package, shall we?

Good job honey.

{lo looks like a glama-zon next to me}

We attended the wedding of a very close friend this weekend. Well, it is our very close friends' SON. 
{You know you are getting old when this happens, right?}

We had so MUCH fun! 
I danced so was almost like I was 20 years old again. Although when I was 20, I did not have to wake up in the middle of the night and pop an advil (or three) for my aching knees!

I'm lucky I didn't break a hip...NOW, that would have caused a scene. 

*One more week until school starts. Both my girls are so excited....I going to have them tested for alien-ness*

PS. I watched Urban Cowboy yesterday...did you love that movie too? Is is just me or did John Travolta make living in a trailer and hanging out in bars look like fun?

I'm just joshin' you. 

How was your weekend? I hope you took photos...cause that is what I told asked you to do. 

If you let me down, I can't be responsible for my actions. Actually, I just can't be responsible. 


August 12, 2011

Have Barbers gone extinct?

Linds introduced me to this guy the other day.

I have laughed 423 times over this very photo. 
I'd call this a hilarious caloric burner. 

You are welcome for the workout. 

**someone needs some man-scaping**

I am just going to guess {pray} that this man does not have anyone to kiss at this time. 


I have a hard time deciding what color nail polish to go with.
Purple, silver, hot pink.... 

{and everyone can see my dilemma}
My right hand has 5 fingers of hot pink. 

After a day of this look, I will most likely just go with clear. Clear is one of my favorite colors. Yours too?
We have so much in common. 

It's Friday. {It's Friday, gonna get down on Friday}
I know you all know that annoying song.

What'cha doin' this weekend?
I hope it's something fun and that could only involve air conditioning. Can I get an amen?

The Coach is working; again....and we have a wedding to attend. I love a good cry wedding. I found out yesterday that the wedding will take place outside. While the sun is still out. 
Do you think they will notice if we skip the clothes wearing part?

Whatever you do, take lots of pictures and share on Monday. 
{Monday, Monday, gonna get down on Monday}

Bee colorful.
Bee funny.
But please whatever you do, trim your face!


August 09, 2011

A leopard. On my lanai.

I am thinking of producing my own Mutual Of Suz-am-aha show. How much tv do you watch on Sunday night? 

I found this cool critter on the lanai the other night....luckily, I found him before the cats did.

At first, I thought he was a space alien. And I only thought this because as soon as I was in his presence, my thoughts started to leave me.  And they were not leaving me willingly...against their own will. 

On second and third thought...perhaps my thoughts were leaving prior to his visit.  

Even though he may have been a space alien, I was going to take good care of him. I set him free. 

"take me to your leader"

{My fellow greenies don't worry, I reused this paper towel}

He is pretty cool. for an alien moth.

Now, please, stop staring at his butt. not appropriate.

Before I really declared that this was an alien {and could possibly be sued by real aliens} I googled him. Lo and behold, I was incorrect. 

He is a giant leopard moth who can steal your thoughts

I had something else to tell you, but the thought has escaped me now. 


 That was your preview. For the complete show, check your local listings. 

If I remember correctly...gingko biloba will be my official sponsor...I think. 

August 05, 2011


Two weird incidents this week. It's been a slow week here.

I was cleaning out my junk drawer the other day....and I came across the strangest thing.

Can you imagine finding this?

Can you see it?

It's a tooth. 
I mean: IT'S A tooth!!!!

Specifically, a molar. 

I asked if anyone was missing one fessed up.

So I kept it. 


Just in case.

Soon, we are clearing out our closet for a closet renovation...I am so scared~who knows what I will find. 

 I was in the dairy aisle of my grocery store the other day and this man could NOT stop STARING at my feet. IT was obvious and super creepy!
I was becoming unnerved, annoyed and scared by his starry-ness. ***WEIRDO get out of my way and let me at the fat free sour cream...would ya?***

Seriously, does THAT ~do it~ for some people? 

not moi. 

In case you thought my stalker was not in the vicinity while I was photographing my toes...he was. yeah, he has a suz fetish

I hope you all have a great weekend! We don't have any plans...the Coach has been working really long days and Saturdays too. I never ever complain; he is working for our butter AND our bread. {and fat free sour cream} 

In this crappy economy, he has found a way to turn things around business wise. {{genius}} I am so thankful that he is persistent, innovative and a serious go~getter! 
When he IS home, we are rubbing his feet and feeding him peeled grapes with a heaping side of love.
Love has NO calories. You know it.


Bee sweet, safe and happy.

Have you had anything weird happen this week?