
December 13, 2010

Takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin’.


Do you remember when Timex used that as their catchphrase?

Our mailbox could {or could not} be compared to a Timex.

My house was virtually silent this weekend. *hear that?* nothing

The Coach was gone. Lolo was gone. Linds was gone.

It was me. Me and the critters.

Oh, yes it was oh so quiet on Friday night; until a drunk driver flew down our street fleeing the scene of an accident and slammed into my mailbox before he was caught a few houses down.  

The coach just replaced this mailbox about 4 weeks ago. At least the idiot was caught and arrested. 

The mailbox will be put back together soon.

That was it for my excitement.

I missed my lil’ tree monkies!treemonkies-3

*Lindsay marched down main street at Disney World with the  band. She had a blast.

*Lolo had a softball tourney. {Perhaps her last travel tourney ever} She had fun.

I got through a lot of my to do list: Christmas cards, bill paying, wrapping, post office, ironing, laundry etc.

I know, I should have had a party, lived it up. But that’s not how I roll. I’m a worker bee. 

Tis’ going to get cold again here this week. Must get busy covering up my garden tonight.

Oh, and we are having a big party on Friday night. So far 24 have RSVP'd. I suppose I should figure out a menu and shop?? Are you coming? Bring some good wine this time, ok?

My Miami family will be here on Sunday too. A menu will need to be planned as well. And gifts for the kiddos…

Dang. I should have done more stuff this past weekend….I need elves. Or at least more worker bee’s. 

Are you throwing a party this year?

I swear, it seems we are the only ones here that host one…unless, unless, unless people are having them and NOT inviting me! 

The thought of that just chaps my lips.


  1. Sounds like a nice quiet weekend...that sounds perfectly marvelous to me right now since I just spend a weekend being snowed in and with it way too cold to go anywhere. And even if we wanted to, having cars that didn't start kept us all home together. Lovely. Today it's double digets below 0 so will be staying inside again but at least some of the crowd will be gone to work and school so it won't feel so crowded in here. :)

    Sounds like you will be busy this week too...getting ready for parties is kind of fun...hope your putting your feet up with a nice hot cup of coffee or tea and staying warm...Happy Monday! XX

  2. Doesn't it seem like no matter how much we get done there is so much more left? I can't get caught up...

    I was a lazy bee this weekend. Something is wrong with me I think.


  3. I'll be your elf! I love party planning and execution. I think I like it more than the party, :)

    That's crazy about your mailbox! I'm glad too the person was caught. So scary, glad it was a mailbox and not a person. Although, it's too bad it was YOUR mailbox!

    Sounds like your girls had a great weekend, I'm sure it was too quiet at times without them, though.

    Have a fun week getting ready!

  4. Ha, ha! Makes you wonder if people are having parties and not inviting you, huh? :D
    When we moved into our first "house" (a rental), CH put up a mailbox. It was up less than 24 hours before a semi ran it over. We lived out in the country, on a quiet road. Go figure.

  5. Oh gosh, a drunk hit your mail box? Jeez. I am hopeful though that nobody was hurt? Have an awesome week Suz!

  6. Suz, I'll be bringing a Stocking Cake, ok? Do you need me to come early to help you set up? :)

  7. Marching on Main St at Disney?!!! That sounds amazing. Those parades are wonderful...and magical. Can't say the same for your mailbox. Bummer. You sound busy, girl, but tis the season. Have fun planning. I wish I lived closer. : (

  8. You know what, Fred sees the mail before I even get home. He didn't even tell me about the invitation to your party. And here, I've already made other plans. I feel so bad now. Can you ever forgive? How about I send you a nifty new mailbox? Would that make you feel better?
    Maybe next year, huh?
    Your Friend, m.

  9. No party for me this year (or any). I prefer to go where I don't have to do the planning. :)

    That mailbox smashing was quite an interesting weekend event!

  10. Glad they caught the mailbox destroyer. Thankful he did not smash a person.
    We had a really cold, windy weekend and stayed in. The newlyweds walked over for coffee; they are leaving to drive to OH and NY for Christmas this week.
    I know your party will be delightful; hope you'll share lots of pics with us.
    Enjoy your week worker bee!

  11. Your girls are amazing!

    I do an annual cookie exchange. I have been eating about 10 cookies a day!

  12. The last party we had was a failure. Someone else took over MY party and killed it. That's what I tell myself anyway.

    We have good friends who host a wonderful party at halloween. There are rumors flying that they might be moving across the state and all I can think of is how I'm going to miss ... their party.

    Do you suppose that attitude is why we aren't invited to more parties?

  13. at least the driver didn't slam into your home eh! Geez.

  14. we used to have lots of parties but I will have to wait til I am stronger ( a lot lot lot stronger) til I hold another one!!. We were coming over to the party but now you have said it is getting colder I think we will stay in our own artic climate. But we are staying coming for the planned five week holiday over Easter if that's still ok :)

  15. That can't Bee - it wouldn't Bee a party without you, Suz!

    We are hosting Christmas afternoon/evening for Gregg's family (usually amounts to about 30 of us, give or take a few). It's going to be potluck - bring dessert or appis and beverage - stay as long as you like!

  16. I'm sorry to hear about your mailbox. It sounds as if that incident spoiled an otherwise quiet, productive weekend.
    You definitely need to cover your garden. We had a low of 3° last night -- wind chill -7°. I'm ready for Spring!
    No parties -- just family on our schedule.

  17. Hi Suz Awesome post I really have missed blogging so I came back with a new blog name.Check out y new blog I have missed reading your posts. Keep in touch. Great job.

  18. Hi Suz, Worker Bees get alot done when there's nobody else around to distract them... Right???? Sorry about your mailbox.. I'm sure that Coach 'loved' seeing it when he got home.... Yipes!!!!

    No parties for us... We just enjoy our decorations with family.... That's fabulous for us!!!


    And if anyone forgets to send you an invite, it's their loss!

    Glad it was only your mailbox and not the front door.

    I need elves too so send over any extras...


  20. No party this year--I do one about every 3 years. We've got lots of family coming for graduation, so I'll save my party planning for that.

  21. I do hope you use Burt's Bees product for your chapped lips - I think of you every time I see some! :-)

    Now, we all want a photo of that smashed mailbox...

    That drunk driver should be forced to wear it on his head for a week. With the flap closed. Tied down, covered in honey and fire ants. Naked.

    Thank goodness nobody got hurt... or killed... can you imagine? :-(

    I would have been SCAIRT!

    Life, something to celebrate indeed. Hide everyone's keys if they are drinking!

  22. Wow...guess you are in for a new mailbox!

    When I am left alone...which is like...RARELY....I have a "Ladies Night Out" party just for should try it :)

    Good luck finding elf helpers this time of year!

  23. I found you from Almost Famous. I love your site. I’m going to poke around a little bit, but don’t worry I’ll put everything back where I found it!!

  24. The Coach told me that he enjoyed replacing the mailbox a great deal, so I'm quite sure he will enjoy it more this time.

    We aren't having a Christmas party, but the daughter of a close friend is turning 18 this week. Her mom was ready to rent a place and throw a shindig. But this girl asked my husband to prepare a dinner party for her and a few close friends instead. Can you imagine? So, we will be having a lovely dinner party for her....decorating, but not attending it ourselves.

  25. hey gorgeous.....nice to have a bit of down time, but even nicer when the family's back! :o)

    You put a smile on my face everytime I read a post from you....your sense of humour is fab!

    I never leave a comment on here {which is annoying....I hate that!} so I am today....not only to say you brighten my day but to also ask if you wanted to take part in a blog feature I have on my blog called Twenty Question Tuesday, here's the link so you get the gist

    Let me know if you would be interested, my email is suzie-queue{at}hotmail{dot}co{dot}uk I would LOVE it if you said yes!!! ;o)

    Sorry about contacting you via a comment ;o\


    hello gorgeous xxx

  26. why would i throw a party when i can just enjoy yours?! i'm not a good wine picker but i would be happy to bring something deliciously edible :)
    you need to tell me when you are going ot be allll alllllone. i had some quiet time myself! really glad you weren't out getting the mail friday night...

  27. We are "partying" all week at work. For a Baptist church, that means commit the sin of gluttony by bringing food EVERY day. It has been fun and created some great fellowship!


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