
October 15, 2010

Hey, what’cha doing?



I’ve been doing a little of this and a little of that. And I threw in a little something else too.

I’ve had some productive projects inside as well as outside.

Photos will be shared when all are completed. Why do anything and NOT share?…not cool. 


Has anyone ever got on your nerves so much that you wanted to take a sharp object (such as a shank) and jab them in the eye? But, being the nice person that you (or me) are, you chose to use a duller object instead…like a spoon?

Me neither.  

But anyhoo, how angry could one be when there is so much to be happy for.

First off, it was 65 degrees this morning. Hallelujah.

And then there is….

Sweet husband. Funny kids. wiggly dogs. Rescued miners. Red wine. Working limbs. Green grass. technology. A soft place to land at night. tivo. Love. Laughter. Joy. Joy. Joy. sunshine. ice cream cake.

And beautiful sunsets.

So beautiful, that Cocoa had to sit down and admire this one as well.


Whatever you do this weekend, I do hope you have much to be happy for as well. Enjoy the sunsets. And if you can, enjoy the sunrises as well.

Bee Sunny.

Bee Bright.

Bee Happy.

What is putting joy in your heart today?


  1. Oh Suz just reading this put joy in my heart...I love your outlook on life...looking for the positive and the good around you...I surely can't wait to see what you've been up answer your question about anyone getting on my nerves and wanting to jab them in the eye...of course and there have been times when I've watched certain people and it's caused me to want to poke myself in the eye because it would be less

    Beautiful sunset.

    My little's...their words and their wonderful cup of coffee that I am drinking at present..the looks of another beautiful fall day...all are filling up my heart with joy.

    Hope you and yours have a spectacular weekend! XX

  2. : ) This made me smile like a goon.
    You know that song that says You make me.... I can't think of any more of it, but this post made me want to listen to that.

    Wishing you and your dog that loves sunsets a wonderful weekend.

    I have never drank red wine. Or any other. I think I should try some. I need more happiness.

  3. You are better than the best : )

  4. Beautiful pic. And 65 sounds perfect!

  5. I bought some new chocolate truffle coffee and I'm really excited to try it this morning. I'm embracing all the things I can do in America.

    I love the sunset picture, so gorgeous!

    What a lovely post and a reminder of the things we can be grateful for.

    Happy weekend to you too! Have a wonderful time and can't wait to see the pics of your new project!

  6. You know what else is good? It's 10:44 AM and I haven't showered yet, and it feels delicious. Laziness is NOT overrated :)

  7. Gratitude is such a great joy-giver - I love your "attitude of gratitude!" I'm joyful today because this head-cold is starting to go away, and David is coming HOME from G.U. for his first visit! HOORAY! It's going to be a great weekend - blessings to all of you!

  8. Cocoa. That is one smart dog:)

  9. that is awesome, i need to remember a gratitude list when i am angry

  10. What a beautiful view of life and talk about beautiful, that sunset photo is amazing. I am loving our sunsets too!00145

  11. That's a great picture of Cocoa and the sunset.
    Thanks for reminding us of all the things in our lives for which we should be thankful.

  12. I am still over joyed and in awe of the rescued minors. I didnt miss a minute of it. It was a miracle happening right before the worlds eyes!

  13. You have such a blessed life! :)

    That picture of your pup and the sunset is too sweet for words!

    Excited to see pictures of you projects! :)

  14. you are the sweetest <3

    i also can get very irritated and want to shank people (usuallly MEAN people)!! haha

    i love the picture of your pup, what a cute lil stubby tail!!

    how are the cats?

    happy weekend

  15. Let's see...

    -It's currently 59 here! (Oh, happy day!!)
    -It's Friday! I made it through another week at the Hell-Hole! Thank you, Jesus!!
    -I'm sitting with my baby right now, reading and laughing at my/our blogs. OBVIOUSLY, Suz, you're on the list!:)
    -I'm getting together with some friends tonight for some karaoke. Stop laughing at me!
    -I'm going out with my sister and sister-in-law tomorrow night for a wild Girls' Night Out! Look out!
    -I'm about to turn the oven on and bake something. Any suggestion?

    Have a great weekend, Suz!

  16. Beautiful post Suzanne and a most precious picture of Cocoa gazing into the sunset! What a cutie! I am especially thankful for the prayers of our blog friends - you have been a source of strength and hope for us. Thanks friend.

  17. Rescued Miners! Well that just about said it all. I watched for hours and cried every time a new miner came out. What a miracle. Hope they all live long happy lives.

  18. Perfect post. So much puts joy in my heart... many of the same things that you list: husband, kids, dogs, nature, good food, red wine, sunsets, etc. etc.

    Blessings ABOUND... we just have to open our eyes. :)

  19. Such a happy upbeat post! It didn't start that way; I was worried about the graphic violence that was coming up...

    You enjoy, too!

  20. Hi Suz, Love that Cocoa.. AND---I love sunsets. You had a marvelous one!!!!! Wow!!!!

    Today I am joyful since both George and I got good reports from our annual physical at the doctor.. Yeah Rah!!!!!

    Have a nice weekend.

  21. I am joyful that I get a weekend break from the classful of hellions I've been subbing for. They're just one period, but they're more exhausting than a day's worth of normal students.

  22. A lot of what you already listed puts joy in my heart - - plus . . . a God who Loves Me! . . . a vanilla ice cream bar dipped in chocolate, a couple of slices of GREAT Italian pizza, a happy home, great job, and transportation to get there and back, internet and new blog friends. . . . . and I could go on and on and on and . . . . . .

  23. You are such a sweetheart. Can't wait to meet you. xoxo.

  24. You're always so sunny. I'd love to have morning coffee with you everyday. There'd be no one better.

  25. Awwww, what a lovely post! And yes, I have wanted to stab with a sharp object, not a spoon.
    The sunset was beautiful, and what a deep soulful dog who sits and watches it!

  26. Fun fun fun. Love the sunset and your pup. So pretty. Yes, your weather is turning a little nicer. We had delightful weather when we were in FL. : )

    Bee happy and have a great weekend!

  27. I think I'd like to plop right next to your pup and enjoy that bit of loveliness too!

  28. That photo is absolutely beautiful. That's one thing about Fl.: You do have some beautiful sunsets!
    Hope you had a good weekend!

  29. Lovely post Suz and thanks for all your encouraging posts when I was having my surgery and in hospital. I am so enjoying every minute of my life and savouring the fact that I actually have one to enjoy. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets indeed XX

  30. When you're lucky and you know it, clap your hands. My youngest granddaughter has just learned to clap, so I guess she knows it, too.


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