
April 16, 2010

Avoiding Agri-Porn, Insects and Kitty Business.


I have been a busy bee this week. Can you imagine?


I’ve attempted to tackle some large and small landscaping issues. With a little bit of improvement and a lot of soreness and sweatiness. They go together I suppose. Sweaty and sore. 

I caged the ‘maters. I laughed at the thought of that. Cage them? Like a zoo animal. Well, they were getting a bit rambunctious. At the moment though, they have not displayed any agri-porn tendencies. “tomatoes gone wild” could happen at any moment. P1050001 VENT ALLERT: I am irritated as heck. Not as bad as I was with the crack wh*re, but almost. You remember Coach put up that nice green fence around the farmville? Well, apparently that fence does not keep bugs out. Did you know this? Something is invading my romaine lettuce…This could cause someone to go postal I tell ya’….

Ok..enough about that nonsense. I am ripping out some plants from around the pool too. They have been there for 6 years and most of  them have pooped out. Ironically, I have caught all 3 cats doing their ‘business’ in there the last 2 days. Have I mentioned how much I don’t love our cats?



Have a great weekend!!!

Bee pet friendly! Bee a greenie! Bee Happy!!

If given the choice, would you rather spend your days outside working in the yard, or inside working the inside of your home?


  1. I would rather spend the day taking pictures of delicious people. Wherever I could find them: inside or out!

    Agriporn. You are hilarious! : )

  2. Outside in the yard. And I have the farmer tan to prove it:)

  3. I think I might rip out the cats along with the plants. Yuck.

    What are you going to do with all that lettuce? That's just a whole lot of salad, ya know?

  4. Inside. I used to be more of an outside girl, but with bugs and sun and heat and all that, I'll stay inside and get some things done and drink a nice glass of tea. : )

    I would love to grow some maters, but I would have to go outside. LOL

  5. You should just blast that lettuce with tons of really strong insecticide.

  6. Yes, keep those Agri-Porn carrots far away from those sweet little impressionable lettuce

  7. Inside. No, outside. No, inside. Definitely...outside. Too much to do and not enough time...

  8. It depends on the weather. There's so much to do inside and out. Your garden looks wonderful! I'm gonna till mine again this weekend and a planting I will go!


    We are starting our garden here, and then next week BD, Aidyn, and I will be working on our Garden in IA. :) Can't wait for fresh veggies! YUmm-o! :)

    Happy friday hon!

  10. hmmm outside in the yard or inside... is that even a choice???


    free cats welcomed here, although i cannot promise they won't be used as chew toys for the dogs. Um. Bee warned :-o

    ps; love, love, love your farmville! but you can keep the bugs, LOL!

    pps: do you ever use that pool??

  11. something's nibbling on your lettuce. ick. something's nibbling on my potato plants. i think i'm going to make that spray i had suggested you use earlier with the ants. my bugs are little teeny tiny caterpillers.
    i'm going strawberry picking tomorrow with gck-1 and B. ever done that?

  12. I'd rather spend my time either outside, in my hammock, reading, OR inside, on a the couch, reading. Hmmm, I think I'm starting to see the cause of my big butt.... ;-)

  13. you know i just planted some insectary flowers yesterday for my garden, i don't like pesticides.

    and talk about angry, the neighbors dogs got into my garden and uprooted 6 tomato plants!!

    hey what kind of tomato cage did you use? those are looking nice, we got some cheap ones last year and they weren't strong enough, looks like you have some kind of pole and rubber bands? i might try that.

    last year my lettuce got all tore up by bugs, it was hard because i don't use pesticides. no lettuce this year

  14. I would definitely choose #3, spend the day NOT WORKING AT ALL!!! Have a great weekend.

  15. Inside, being waited on hand and foot! Not outside in case I see any of those porno carrots. They scare me.
    I don't like sexed veggies.

  16. I would 100% rather be working in the yard all of the time ---rather than doing housework. I love those big outside projects ---even if I do get sweaty. It's good for me---keeps me healthy!!!!

    Sorry about your lettuce... Hope you can save it... That's just part of 'farming' or 'gardening' .... I get so upset when the critters eat our flowers/plants... But--you/we just have to put up with the good and the bad.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. well, i like both. if i am outside i need a pool if its hot... with bright sun. or a cool breezy day fro a walk. inside is always great too, i have the computer, TV, and the kitchen to cook!

    we are just starting to think about our garden... we might try those hanging mater plants... we dont have much ground room here...

    i'll let ya know..


  18. Tomatoes gone wild. I think gardening humor is your niche!

  19. You need to pick some of that lettuce and eat it! Think of the bugs as protein!

    If you want to keep kitties out of your little planting bed pool side, get some chicken wire and cut it to fit the spot....then mulch lightly on top. Kitty no likey.

  20. lol I pick outside, lounging by the pool!
    PS Best post title ever!

  21. I don't like either. I would rather drink cocktails by the lovely pool, or perhaps a glass of pinot?

  22. Damn bugs! The worse thing is when a PERSON gets bitten by chiggers. I had no idea such a pest existed. I wanted to cut my legs off.

    I love to work outdoors, which is why I have a laptop and wifi.

  23. What I love about your garden is I know you aren't using human waste as fertilizer. I miss America.

    Your yard is yummy!


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